
Showing posts from January, 2023

In that Creator is Creator is Eternal God, who determines, - "Final Destination (2000)[true in fact, the music theme is predicated of film produced] - Main Theme"

Point of true fact, person of Joseph, typing this, 03:07am, on 1st month of the common calendar,  of the numbered system of keeping the noted date of transpiring 24/7 each week, by colloquial speech spoken in English, at this current historical setting, thankfully so, thereby, in the date recorded and read from the computer monitor, in my possession, of thereby, true in fact, The Creator Is, and I'm not of having created myself;- thereby, today's recorded date is, 01/27/2023, and it is an oils of gladness "red letter," day, today for me, who is myself, I'm personally enjoying. True in fact, I had just typed the typed text thus far by, 03:12 now 03:13am.   :