
Showing posts from June, 2023

by "In the beginning God Created.."-ref Genesis 1:1, help of God thanks be to God, personal perspective of, "The Best CHRISTIANS are SINGLE? Celibacy in Christianity | The Chosen Se..."

Just in peace in joy impartial from God, the blessings from God through sorrows, favor oils of gladness needed for the light, Jesus told for the eye, needed the light of the lamp, where someone's heart is their treasure is also, such as in Psalms 8, 33, 85, & 139 directly relate, kept in the fiber of the entire of someone's being, the human spirit intimately needs the body, from God the heart & soul the strength of mind needed, "The LORD is my strength and my shield; in him my heart trusts, and I am helped; my heart exults, and with my song I give thanks to him."- Psalm 28:7 this be thankfully, only an personal perspective, of the content in the video, by Creator Granted human dignity, thereby, - to care to share in needed communications in the truth be told. ~ ( "Why does God ask questions if He is omniscient?" <> "Being omniscient, God already knew the answers to these questions. “He knows the secrets of the heart” (Psalm 44:21).