
Showing posts from February, 2021

Sounder (1972) | Full Movie | Cicely Tyson | Paul Winfield | Kevin Hooks...

As Creator grants thankfulness, please from Creator Sent Impartiality discern the Creator Impartial Living Truth Constantly Has Been From Eternal By Creator Sent Into Creation for humanity.  We each are a precious gift. ~  Creator gives Gumption, so excellently presented in this film.  We each need to life one another up in a Charitable attitude. Excellent is an attitude, so when the aristocratic type so called 'excellencies,' come along, Respect The Creator as Prudence is the better part of Valor.  The pursuit of conscientious conscious conscience, does not come from reliance on one's only human intelligence, but The Creator Sends Into Creation, Set-Apart Wisdom, a simplicity of (Living Truth Constantly)~(Justice Embraced Peace)~(Eternal Compassionate Works Of Precepts)~(Resolute Fortitude Journey). ~ "The Lord Is my shepherd, there is nothing I shall want." - Psalm 23:1 " Behold, children are a heritage  and  gift from the LORD, The fruit of the womb a rewa

Ray Charles And The Voices Of Jubilaton, Oh, Happy Day


The One True God Promised, Oh Happy Day!

In The Good News, when honest to do God Knows Best, the Blessing Of God's Just True Will Has Eternally Been True, then truly harmful sin is forgiven, to a real human Being's family member's inner peace, glad to do caring for others, helping others, learning with others the real honest to good, benefits of The Word Of God Promises Are Always Kept. We have always known that The Lord God's House, is much more than a building, The Creator has in Creation, a wonderful rejoicing with music devout family meeting, to truly hear what The One True God, in Jesus The Beloved Anointed One, has to tell us that day, and so much joy to each of our hearts.  Have a wonderful day!  The Comforter, GOD's Set Apart The Holy Spirit Simply Sends, Sincerity Of Heart, we only receive by sincerity, of course. We've always had that inside of us to do this, but when harmfulness comes from the netherworld in so many ways, we sometimes forget, so we each need to remember every day, that The O

Paul Harvey: WE THE PEOPLE
