The One True God Promised, Oh Happy Day!

In The Good News, when honest to do God Knows Best,
the Blessing Of God's Just True Will Has Eternally Been True,
then truly harmful sin is forgiven, to a real human Being's
family member's inner peace, glad to do caring for others,
helping others, learning with others the real honest to good,
benefits of The Word Of God Promises Are Always Kept.
We have always known that The Lord God's House,
is much more than a building, The Creator has in Creation,
a wonderful rejoicing with music devout family meeting,
to truly hear what The One True God, in Jesus The Beloved Anointed One, has to tell us that day, and so much joy to each of our hearts.  Have a wonderful day!  The Comforter,
GOD's Set Apart The Holy Spirit Simply Sends,
Sincerity Of Heart, we only receive by sincerity, of course.
We've always had that inside of us to do this, but when
harmfulness comes from the netherworld in so many ways,
we sometimes forget, so we each need to remember every day,
that The One True Benevolent God Has Plans For Each of us,
in doing what is best for us, to be a truly peaceful blessing...
Being careful of course, the euphoria of enticements dangerously imitates peace and leads to so many co-dependency situations,
as we each have known.  With all my God Given Heart,
well wishes for one another in God's Divinely Given cooperation favor, as we learn from God Loves Honesty, most certainly, with communication with true concern for one another, as best we open up, in so many different relationships with real concern to live in peace and deep concern of the heart.  Rejoice! God Helps Constantly, Rejoice!  Rejoice! 


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