
Showing posts from September, 2022

God Is One Good Lord God, "In the beginning God.." ref Genesis 1, God Sent God's ONLY Begotten Son Jesus The Christ, and The Bible tells, Jesus Loves the little children & little ones, draft.

  _____________________________________________________________________ Goodness gracious common ground, yes, Hallelujah, God needs no help Being God, Creator, however God Is Only Helper to praise The Lord, Hallelujah for first respondents, who helped me as a boy, when our house was on fire. Like "ground zero on 9/11, preceded in 1993 in another unprovoked terrorist attack in the 2nd month common calendar, February. In 1971 in February, the 22nd, the house God provided had been ablaze, but since the school, 5th grade teacher Mr. DeSantis had basketball that evening, [*note, starting that night, I, Joseph resided with the DeSantis family for some days, and my family resided at the Methodist part of The Church at Maybrook, parsonage with Rev. St. John his wife, he being her husband, Mrs. St John had been student teacher for some time in 5th grade later on. The only reason I asked to go live at the parsonage was the sad picture of my family on the inside parsonage steps, and um,