God Is One Good Lord God, "In the beginning God.." ref Genesis 1, God Sent God's ONLY Begotten Son Jesus The Christ, and The Bible tells, Jesus Loves the little children & little ones, draft.


🕊Goodness gracious common ground, yes, Hallelujah, God needs no help Being God, Creator, however God Is Only Helper to praise The Lord, Hallelujah for first respondents, who helped me as a boy, when our house was on fire. Like "ground zero on 9/11, preceded in 1993 in another unprovoked terrorist attack in the 2nd month common calendar, February. In 1971 in February, the 22nd, the house God provided had been ablaze, but since the school, 5th grade teacher Mr. DeSantis had basketball that evening, [*note, starting that night, I, Joseph resided with the DeSantis family for some days, and my family resided at the Methodist part of The Church at Maybrook, parsonage with Rev. St. John his wife, he being her husband, Mrs. St John had been student teacher for some time in 5th grade later on. The only reason I asked to go live at the parsonage was the sad picture of my family on the inside parsonage steps, and um, nothing, something to do with the bathroom and hash marks and a hamper, but that was to be resolved, and was being resolved, loving to bathe or shower and everything. Who want to let someone in 5th grade know, um, nothing!?] The kids saw out of the window of the gymnasium a fire blazing. Only by Inspiration of the Holy Spirit, ref The Last Discourse, in Good News according to John, by God! I exclaimed, that is my house! The other kids, since it was late in the evening in winter said it was too close to be that house near the rail road tracks in Maybrook, NY State, near the lumber yard. Our family stayed their on variance of a C/O, certificate of occupancy, in part of the house. In the winter, brrr, each of us, one by one, traveled through the cold part of the house, to the bathroom, then bathed or showered and dried off, and brrr got back to the warm part of the house, - on the other side of a plastic tarp. So, I started running down school house hill, Broad Street in the cold, icy patches and all, in my gym clothes. BRRRR, So, dumb me, lol, by help of The Holy Spirit, went back to school and changed clothes. Finally, reaching 1 Prince street, a little down hill, where once riding my orange "u" handle bars and banana seat, coming home with groceries, the tires slipped on a patch of ice, and I crashed, yike! But thank God, unscathed. Reminds me of school house hill, once a kid, thank God! not seriously hurt, took his hands off of the handle bars of his bicycle and crashed violently. Oh, I used to wrestle Tommy daily on the Beckers property. Cool that the DeSantis family & the Becker family, each not expecting to see one another, by a story of honorable teacher Mr. Frank DeSantis, happened to run into each other on the steps of the Capitol in Washington DC. By Inspiration of The Holy Spirit, Promised Spirit Of Truth, official first respondents do not like to be "played" by pretext, no matter who could be helping someone raising civil unrest on a location. Sad, i.e. honorable Abraham Lincoln assassination, the way honorable Frederick Douglas and honorable Harriet Tubman, had been treated on the same cause of general injustice, not particular injustice, had been treated. I'm sure their debates could get honorably heated as 'walking on rice paper' needs of each one could be very difficult, like the history of Galilee 2000 years ago. Taking years of decades & decades of years, like subsequent to "50 Days" of "Omer," the little bit of "manna" had been held, but that is earthly bread, then the celebration reverently the festival of The Shavuot, when the skies opened, and I do not think Mt Sinai but Mt Horeb, when God summoned, not before, please be careful of Biblical Scriptural Texts that only is part of God'sThe Revealed, part of God's Sealed 2000 years ago. The Divine Revelation, by Who, The Spirit Of Truth Promised Helper, only the help of The Holy Spirit resides in a fallible human being person, to be *like* a child, simplistic trust in only The Good Lord God, so "new wine" or "grape juice" of fruit of the vine. This is called, "Pentecost" for 50 days. Oh, it is taken reverently seriously, Jesus telling do not be called teacher, by me, Joseph. So, representatives heard, by God's Word is *like* the rain & the water, formed inside Creation, The Voice of The One True Lord God had been heard by Hebrew speaking and Egyptians and others, who did not to the way of the Philistines (ie. David slew Goliath), David by God, blessing from God, Goliath boasting, this is history. ONLY The Good Lord God Decides To/For, by help of The Spirit Of God, through God's Only Begotten Son, Jesus The Christ Priest Faithful & True Of God, Directly, Jesus told, each of us are taught by God, that is one of the reasons, do not be called teacher, by God's Word in Jesus The Beloved Christ's Very Own Testimony. Trying to garner God's Direct Predestination Under God, of someone or group of Church Co Joined Civics, Under God, thereby God Is Leader by The Spirit Of Truth of God's Own Care and Spiritual Guidance guiding directly each someone, Under God those who despise God's Word are in God Is Sole Omniscient One, Having God's Eternal Perspective, ref Psalm 139 for one, Jesus Knowing hearts, on those Under God using causal design semantics verbal & un-verbal implications of influence deeds, God Is Having Every Way Of The Good Lord God Is Justice or Judgement, Judging someone's heart of doing such heresy, ref. Deut. 32, for example. The "darkness on the face of the deep," is conceptual by those of higher reasoning humanity, plausible doing such lying and taring down by using such divide & conquer destructive communications, very sad in history, and exactly how God's Own Only Begotten Son, the true, not fake religiosity like the Sadducee heretical religious behaviors, in league with worldliness, in the Book of the prophet Jeremiah, this is "white washed stones" of crying "peace," combined with sometimes not ashamed, not even able to blush. Very sad. Jesus of The true One And Only, The Holy Bible, used reverent hyperbole calling this the leaven of the needing to be in God's Own Continuing Purview blameless in The Sight Of The Lord, pharisee and Herod, therefore Herodotus. In Ecclesiastes, it is written, there is nothing new under the sun, Truth of God's Word. ~ It is said, then that the police chief had been informed of a person of interest who had been suspected of putting an accelerant on the cold part of the house on the lumber yard side. No one ever got officially charged, so no one arraigned or prosecuted, as far as I know. If this particular injustice happened, (could be a disgruntled dad, who took it out on us, he had a boy in the same grade as I happened to be);- there is a court in Heaven, or at the Second Coming of Jesus The Christ Only Begotten Son Priest Faithful & True Of God, known by "The Word Of God, and no one knows the day nor the hour, The Holy Angels, like Jesus held up a child, telling their Angels, some are Holy Guardian Angels ref. Psalm 91, "see" or are "before" The Face of God all of the time. It will be a day of rejoicing, and not a big secret society of a "sea of glass" and "mingled with fie" like in God's Book of Revelation "Unveiling" a summary of God's Word of The Holy Bible, of God's Impartial Salvation of Sealed by God, 2000 years ago, The Divine Revelation. The One Good Lord God helping needs of down to earth, love is patient & kind, it is not envious or boastful or rude, ref 1 Cor. 13:4, later in those verses, love is not provoking, yes true, love does not keep track of wrongs, however, love does not rejoice in wrong doing like Under God someone by God's help in JESUS's Name restful, pertaining to one's own business, thereby, Under God other(s) using their intelligence to practice busy-body-ness, thereby, love never rejoices in wrong doing, however rejoices in God's Own Goodness Of God Impartial Truth by The Spirit Of Truth, The Holy Spirit Helper is Promised Companion to each of us;- thereby, only by The Holy Spirit, The God's Promised Spirit Of Truth, ref. The Last Discourse, *the help* of The Holy Spirit for one's own predisposed by God's Very Own Impartiality as living by God's gift, not by personal merits of influence or otherwise, God's Influence Is By God, Under The One True Good Lord God, like Jesus The Only Begotten Son, Called God, "Father," even though I'm Created by God, the expression, "Father God," is reverent and respectful, ONLY God Is Impartial observing inside Creation of Heaven, and under the skies, of seas & dry land earth, 'the world," Hallelujah. So, each of us can be like 'first respondents," and just be ready, just in case an very unusual occurrence needs to be reported on site of your sight. Peace ONLY God Provides, like God's Own Blessings of justly peace keeping gifts of the kingdom of God is at hand, God's Word of "love hopes" and "love believes" and "love endures," and by God's Direct Help to each one stewardship of ones's own self, of humanity, "love never fails." Good today of days, 24/7 the sun rises some place, note, ref. Psalm 19.


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