
Showing posts from February, 2023

Hello, thankful needs of justly peacekeeping, God Loves you, please do not be afraid the opposition to God, symbolized by the number 666.

 In hopes that this comment greets you with good caring justly peaceful in common need of gratitude health of spirit & body, heart & soul, resourcefulness of strength of human being mind, an individual living and breathing in God granted dignity of a named person, living by and from rights on lifelong sojourn from the Creator, Eternal God. Please, by God’s help, there is no need to be scared & fretful over the opposition to God, by needed reverence of God to understand terms, such is, “the Serpent,” like a snake can sneak up on someone, and/or please do not be scared & fretful over 666, yes folk have opposed God and have names, but those behaviors are both and each, passive & overt, sometimes sweet speech & communications in amiable *playing at heartstrings* in that using non verbal & verbal communications, for forming a following by populist rhetoric. Please, do not be afraid of *receiving* this, because this symbolizes even those *claiming* to be follo

The Chosen Livestream: Journey to Feeding the 5,000

_____ Thank God! for Chosen, truly touched my human spirit, body, heart & soul, strength of being presence of mind, Joseph, curator of this youtube pen name, and the true stories of folk really relate, by God Granted, the blessings of oils of gladness blessings of justice kissing peace of God, God's righteousness, ref Psalm 85 for one, And ref Psalm 18:1-2, "I love you, O Lord, my strength. 2 The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer, my God, my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold." O The Holy Lord Good God Eternal Creator, by God's Seal upon God's only begotten Son The Messiah Lion of the tribe of Judah, The Christ Jesus Priest(ref Hebrews 4) sinless Prophet Faithful and True Prince of Peace, only by God's Merits through Jesus Christ and His testimony, is the gift of God, by God's Word stands forever, ref Isaiah 40:8 living and effective, and Holy is The Lord God of Heav

Playing For Change Blues | Song Across America ft Robert Bradley & Rober...

_______________________________ One of the best songs of true honest life, and my heart jumps gladly for joy, by inspiration of the goodness folk share, - thankfully to care. Before noticing and clicking on this song, "Playing For Change Blues | Song Across America ft Robert Bradley & Roberto Luti | Playing For Change," it just so happens I heard "Celebration" sung by kids across so numerous of places by "Playing For Change." This place, "here" happens to be "online" the "Playing For Change" has by gratitude in my heart, inspires my heart, so grateful for song of harmony melodies, rifts in notes & lyrics and singing the inspired beyond the human condition of ____________, just "stuff" that can by climate of society just be a downer unearned suffering influence on even children. ( Isn't it odd?; to interact is caring to thankfully share, from the heart & soul, yet "stuff" of bagg