Playing For Change Blues | Song Across America ft Robert Bradley & Rober...


One of the best songs of true honest life, and my heart jumps gladly for joy, by inspiration of the goodness folk share, - thankfully to care. Before noticing and clicking on this song, "Playing For Change Blues | Song Across America ft Robert Bradley & Roberto Luti | Playing For Change," it just so happens I heard "Celebration" sung by kids across so numerous of places by "Playing For Change." This place, "here" happens to be "online" the "Playing For Change" has by gratitude in my heart, inspires my heart, so grateful for song of harmony melodies, rifts in notes & lyrics and singing the inspired beyond the human condition of ____________, just "stuff" that can by climate of society just be a downer unearned suffering influence on even children. ( Isn't it odd?; to interact is caring to thankfully share, from the heart & soul, yet "stuff" of baggage can be by climate of unearned suffering, - the type of so called have your back and *the thinking - you in your past, look you, in this or that place up until now, - your future is this, that or the other thing - because the conveyance of this or that tells so, by the ideas of your not good enough the supposition get with it, don't you desire help? ) This "Playing For Change Blues" does thankfully, does not do the ____ just (ie. condescending) "stuff*, in the care to share, it is inspiring, true to heart. Isn't the help during the day in that I'm living!;- only Creator one true God the Helper, upon arising just thanking God sets my heart & soul in a good path of gratitude. Glad for everything, and how God cares for everyone giving the help and inspiration! It just so happens, God rest him, because of circumstances, my brother Mark ended up having tons of friends, on the streets, and it just so happens I had the pleasure to interact with some. One time, looking for Mark, his cell phone left at home or not charged, there happened to be "Mr Goodly-man" and we had a conversation. He requested, hey, you know he, my brother Mark needs a $dollar or two? So, I replied, yes, I need to get back home, do you know where he is? He, Mr Goodly-man said, no but, how about I pay it forward, so - thinking from the heart, knowing some of Mark's friends some, inspired by The Holy Spirit for the heart & soul needed by each of us, gladly in prudent opportunity, just so happy to do so, we cared to share. And by God! I never inquired, yet I'm sure by God! that the "pay it forward" happened, because "Playing For Change" is not I change you in your journey, only never orphaned each of us, there is Someone who knowing everything regarding each of us, and has each and everything each of us needs, by God! It is God! No kidding, right? Being one by the oils of gladness help of God received, only one believer that God Sent the only begotten Son of God, Messiah Jesus, being Jesus The Beloved Christ of God, the "let go and let God," is how inspired by the life of living each day, is how to live, ok? Good day today of the sun rises some place, and the sun traverses at that place across the skies, until, sometime reds, yellows and oranges paint the horizon, in the sunset of daylight, into evening-tide. Then each star like a jewel on the deep gray backdrop, unless overcast & cloudy, yet somehow light from above, by God! The heart & soul ever has some light for strength, the gratitude of living, in the changes of climates of the day, 24/7 time marches on, and the proverbial "father time," or proverbial "mother nature" the non existing mr. & mrs. only a proverbial type of thinking 'sounding board,' not everyone does recognize the "tall tale," of this, but that is cool and good. Yet, sometimes the golden sunlight reflects from the moon, and the night has a light from the sun across the skies, then however soon, is the dawn of a new day, hope is in the morning, as the Psalmist did "scribe" now "penned" or "typed" to pay it forward. Truly good days from my heart, in rights and dignity only The Creator is Eternal Benevolent Lord God gives to each of us. 🕊
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