
Showing posts from August, 2023

By God, helped by God Eternal, the Creator, a personal perspective of, "The End Of Simon and The beginning of the Church at The Gates of HELL | ..."

by Eternal God being the Creator Who Granted thankfully, the impartial rights from the Creator, by the text as follows that begins The Holy Bible, "In the beginning God Created.." - ref Genesis 1:1 Thank God, the pleased by only God merits the favor of unearned gift of God's grace, the following, thank you for your time. In the quite interesting category on this public comment, never *forced* or needed returned, of two senses of human spirit and in the truth that I do not own the oxygen that I do breathe, thus breath of life of human spirit in the truth in true need of cell respiration of oxygen, thereby;- In truth of particular in that it is true that, under impartial permanent inherent imperishable into God having the Hand of God into God has the hereafter, in the truth, thereby;- The one Eternal God, the Creator Granted rights are impartial from God to curator @Joffrontoborne of this public youtube comment. In that by the Holy Spirit of truth from God in Jesus'

thanks be to God helped by God Eternal, the Creator of personal perspective of, "Star Trek TOS "Arena" - Eddie Steak commentary"

by person belief helped by the Creator, the Eternal one true God, in that God Being, the Creator Granted imperishable rights inherent to me,  thereby, the image and likeness of God I have is that God merits the favor of gift of God's grace that I have higher reasoning sentient consciousness in the image and likeness of God, thus God Granted human spirit needing physical cell respiration of oxygen, in Genesis God breathed life into me, curator of @Joschtony on public commentary, here on youtube, thanks be to God. Quite interesting interrogative, from someone else, or just one social online public commentary, in essence and literally in entirety I prefer the latter. So, no two cents or two sense nor 5 senses or the proverbial 6th sense claims of partial omniscient powers, that is an honest good thing, right? Ok, hmmmmmmm, so? The man of [Metro-gnome] in Landru type fashion, has some kind of physical reality control of the Enterprise. Some claim of super powers and that by influenc