thanks be to God helped by God Eternal, the Creator of personal perspective of, "Star Trek TOS "Arena" - Eddie Steak commentary"

by person belief helped by the Creator, the Eternal one true God,
in that God Being, the Creator Granted imperishable rights inherent to me, 
thereby, the image and likeness of God I have is that God merits the favor of gift of God's grace that I have higher reasoning sentient consciousness in the image and likeness of God,
thus God Granted human spirit needing physical cell respiration of oxygen,
in Genesis God breathed life into me, curator of @Joschtony on public commentary, here on youtube,
thanks be to God.

Quite interesting interrogative, from someone else, or just one social online public commentary, in essence and literally in entirety I prefer the latter. So, no two cents or two sense nor 5 senses or the proverbial 6th sense claims of partial omniscient powers, that is an honest good thing, right? Ok, hmmmmmmm, so? The man of [Metro-gnome] in Landru type fashion, has some kind of physical reality control of the Enterprise. Some claim of super powers and that by influenced portrayed in the episode, the interplay between the [Metro-gnome] and the man of [Gore-him, in case so of sojourn in called self defense needed.] Interesting interplay false egalitarian light and darkness of the other "cop" taking control of Kirk's journey, in that he, Capt. Kirk by the entertained, each the good cop and the bad cop, in that by intelligent less than the fact that Creation exists, neither party, Kirk, nor the two interplay cops are the Creator. How is this story in screen play fiction relevant to me, personally? By my know to be the truth belief, hold on! - "I get it," by my need of helped by God Eternal, the Creator, the only possibilities are three-fold. 1) Eternal God, the Creator needed influences of goodness of God Who having impartial righteousness of God helping me, ref Psalm 139, *like Abel. 2) Eternal God, the Creator needed influences of goodness of God Who having impartial righteousness of God helping me, ref Psalm 139, and my refusal sometimes of God's help by full desire of my desires, thus like Adam or Cain. 3) The opposition to Eternal God, the Creator needed influences of God Who having impartial righteousness of God, helps no one, ref Psalm 139, and the opposition to God gives nothing but void, thus harmless, benignity in innocuous of good intentions, and the image and likeness of God by societal trends in false peace keeping has equality with Eternal God, the Creator. By my know to be the truth 1) and 2) are the only possibilities for Under God in every ethical and legal sense, "And God spoke these things..." - ref Exodus 20:1, and two phrased, "In the beginning God.." & "In the beginning God Created.."- ref Genesis 1, by helped by God needed, in that the Creator Granted rights are permanent, and inherent forever from Eternal God, the Creator. In the helped by God Who merits the favor of gift of God's grace, ref Deut 32, God has the flashing sword of impartial justice needing God having impartial righteousness kisses peace from God, ref Psalm 85, and only God having faithfulness of God has the footsteps in steps of God, ref Genesis and Psalm 85. And, Luke chapter 2, in that God having goodwill toward humanity, Glory to God in the highest, ref Psalm 8 in that the Angels are not human and humanity is a little lower in station than the Angels, and peace on earth on who God's favor rests. Helped by God the proclamation of The Good News of exceedingly great joy, by the Spirit of truth from God called The Holy Spirit from God called the Helper from God, by Psalm 33:11 the counsel of the Lord stands forever from generation to generation direct to me, curator of @Joffrontoborne on this public commentary only offered, not give imposed two cents of my perspective for, Creator Granted right of freedom of speech, someone can comment here online, so not invitation Under God to my personal space or life. Jesus told some important considerations, in that He, Jesus is the sole and only one to satisfy through childhood and adulthood, Psalm 15, and in Hebrews 4 He, Jesus is the sinless High Priest in that God Created the Creation in 7 Days(or epochs) and God had Created the Heaven on the 2 Day( or epoch). In Psalm 82, God long ago, seated God having God's own impartial righteous peace keeping Self of the one Holy Lord God with the "gods" or some refer to by "divine beings." How did the Foundation of the world transpire? GOK, God only knowing everything, does have every tiny portion in entirety of that information, please take it up with God Eternal, the Creator of God having God's Own impartial perspective of the Scriptural texts of The Holy Bible. Jesus told that only God is good, be *like a child in simplicity to inherit the unshakable(ref Hebrews, too) kingdom of God is at hand. The Door of Hope is in the Book of Hosea, and God never once, ref Psalm 139 gave harmful influence to someone, only goodness of God influences. Jesus is *called* the Gate to the sheepfold, as sinless High Priest in Heaven, ref Hebrews 4 and in Revelation He, Jesus is called, the Faithful and True, and no one is like Him, the long expected Messiah (English diction of the Hebrew) the Christ Jesus. Some could have me use Psalm 19, no thank you, because of the history of *perceptions* there is another corollary, and, (is something like the sojourn of humanity into a New Heaven and a New Earth over before its over?, no because truth be told, this is true, that truth being true has been true being true forever), thereby someday, not only every tear of unearned suffering wiped away, thanks be to God Eternal, the Creator Who can undo the every in entirety *effect* of the unearned suffering, in Heaven and on earth of under the skies and there are seas and dryland, earth called the world.- ref Genesis. Psalm 30 is as hopeful and the Book of the revelation of Jesus Christ the Capstone of the Scriptural texts of The Holy Bible, and by title, come Lord Jesus, ref John 20:31 through the Name of Jesus there is life. Twenty-four hours per day during seven days per week there is by perspective of skies of horizon the sun rises some place, and in Psalm 30, joy is in the morning. And the joy of the Lord strengthens, me, because God Eternal, the Creator ever being impartial is true. Just peace from Eternal God, the Creator is one of the imperishable inherent forever rights from the Creator, and God Only thank God ref Psalm 118 has just peace from Eternal to the Everlasting in everlasting loving kindness to each individual human being person someone having inherent higher reasoning consciousness in the image and likeness of God Blessing impartial peace from God.


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