By God, helped by God Eternal, the Creator, a personal perspective of, "The End Of Simon and The beginning of the Church at The Gates of HELL | ..."

by Eternal God being the Creator Who Granted thankfully, the impartial rights from the Creator,
by the text as follows that begins The Holy Bible, "In the beginning God Created.." - ref Genesis 1:1
Thank God, the pleased by only God merits the favor of unearned gift of God's grace,
the following, thank you for your time.

In the quite interesting category on this public comment, never *forced* or needed returned, of two senses of human spirit and in the truth that I do not own the oxygen that I do breathe, thus breath of life of human spirit in the truth in true need of cell respiration of oxygen, thereby;- In truth of particular in that it is true that, under impartial permanent inherent imperishable into God having the Hand of God into God has the hereafter, in the truth, thereby;- The one Eternal God, the Creator Granted rights are impartial from God to curator @Joffrontoborne of this public youtube comment. In that by the Holy Spirit of truth from God in Jesus' Name, being He, Jesus who calmed the storm on the sea of Galilee, at the time framed, 3:40 - 3:45 into the video a sudden storm, similar, I suppose to that storm in the Scriptural texts of The Holy Bible, Jesus calmed the story, and followers, disciples of Jesus, proclaimed, what manner of man is this, regarding Jesus, even the winds and the rain obey Him. This is in regard to, unlike Created by God in the image and likeness of God higher reasoning sentient consciousness of the Scriptural texts of the prophet Jonah, who had unearned suffering, told his God and my God is the Creator of Heaven and earth, and everything in them, in the Book of Jonah, thus, could he, Jonah have requested to be let off the ship and found his way back to Nineveh? I suppose he could have, but he, Jonah requested to be tossed into the sea. "In the beginning God.." and "In the beginning God Created.." of God having Deut 32 the Just hand of Justice of God in the impartiality of the righteousness of God, ref Psalm 85, kisses peace from God;- thereby, In entirety of truth from God Only Just in God having Peace from God impartial peace from God, being true of God of Psalm 139 not only knowing purpose from far off, God of impartial righteousness of God kisses peace from God in faithfulness of God having footsteps steps of God, ref Psalm 85, however, ref Genesis, thereby;- Jesus told, that only God is good, be *like a child in child-like simplicity, ie this can in corollary be a decent reference to Matthew 11, and by ref. Hebrews the unshakable kingdom of God is at hand, in that it being true, Jesus told, do not be called teacher nor call someone else teacher. It is truth in the true in entirety truth in regard to that, Jesus told that, only God is good, thereby;- Under God having the Spirit of truth from God the Spirit of God the impartial Lord of hosts of peace of God, the ethics in legality from God having righteous living and effective from God's point of view, ref Psalm 139, had someone read this public comment, and had not desire or desired to leave a public comment, Under God being Sovereign, the truth of light of truth being true in facets of impartial truth has been being from God, thereby, in regard to the impartiality of peace from God, no semantic of "who asked for your two sense" from image and likeness of God of one individual human being person someone in their one person higher reasoning sentient consciousness, can be true, because the placement of a comment, in entirety, by honor code ethical legal standard in proof required by helped from God, this honorable intention comment offered for my perspective in no way, shape or form is myself calling myself teacher or calling someone else teacher, and ref John 20:31 it is by helped gladly by God, there is life in Jesus' Name, by there is God merits the favor of gift of God's grace, thus Duet 32, God having the flashing sword, and Luke 2, Mathew 25, Revelation 19 are examples, thus, by Psalm 30, in that it is true that, by, God never wearies, ref Isaiah 40, in that the Spirit of truth from God the Helper from God called The Holy Spirit from God, thus 24 hours per day during 7 days per week, the sun rises some place under the vault of skies, ref Genesis 1, from the perspective of seas and dryland, earth in the world and not of the world[liness] needed helped by God, ref Psalm 118:1 and Psalm 118:29 give thanks to the Lord for God having lovingkindness is Eternal forever, thereby;- By the truth from God being the Spirit of truth from God Eternal, the Creator, Under God my ethical and legal rights are forever in permanent imperishable inheritance, in Jesus' Name by the Spirit of truth being The Holy Spirit called the Helper from God, by Psalm 33:11 the counsel of the Lord stands forever from generation to generation, thus Under God and Under counsel of God, the truth be told so helped by God, this has not been offered in myself being called teacher or having called someone else teacher, in that Yahweh, the Holy Name of God is Eternal IAM, ref The Good News according to John 20:31 the Holy Name of Jesus there is life, by The Holy Name of The Spirit of truth from God, the Helper, in that High Priest Jesus ref Hebrews 4, the sinless keeper of Psalm 15 forever had been true, being true forever, in Revelation He, Jesus is the Faithful and True, called by, even so come Lord Jesus, and God blessing just peace from God, good today of days.


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