
Showing posts from September, 2023

ref, Psalm 139, God the only One Who has omniscience, thank God, helped by God, perspective on, "The Chosen: Season One, Episodes 3 & 4"

God Being Eternal, the Creator is One Lord, of Israel and the USA and every nation Under God, and God never "plays favorites," because God Only Being Impartial is Benevolently Eternally the One Good Lord, the Lord of hosts, thereby, "In the beginning God.." of "In the beginning God Created.."- ref Genesis 1:1, The ONE God of just peace from God by God, thank God. of the Scriptural texts of The Old Testament and of human history,  however, the text in and of the grammar of true language English linguistics, tells of, Eternal God, the one true, the Creator Who Granted my right of freedom of expression, thereby;- God being Sovereign over Psalm 139 knowing every of my having purpose from far off, that is every intention of heart of desire helped by God, by the Holy Spirit of truth from God Who Jesus called the Helper from God, and God's counsel of God being the Lord stands forever, ref Psalm 33:11, and God is the same God of before the Scriptural texts of

by, helped by God's Loving me, personal perspective of, "The Clue | Award Winning Short Film (10 Min)"

by God helped by God in glad in thankful to God, loved by God, in dignity from the Creator, only caring to share. Treasured, very cool, one unique person, and individual human being who is someone, not someone else, one God Loved, Loves, Loving someone, ref Psalm 118. So? That could be, one of those, "I get that." Can each of us sometimes, "over think?" I think so, lol , thankfully so. Funny, ok, this comment can be getting nowhere, fast, "I get it." Not funny in that context, right? Since only God is being Eternal, the Creator knowing *everything* in regard to *everything* relevant to my past, up to now presently, and God knowing everything, such by God knowing my purpose from far off, ref Psalm 139, and thereby, God knowing intentions of my inner self, the heart of my desires; and ref Deut. 32 in the impartial benevolence of God, only God is being judge;- thereby, God in the Scriptural texts, has exclusive right of only God having the right to tell,