ref, Psalm 139, God the only One Who has omniscience, thank God, helped by God, perspective on, "The Chosen: Season One, Episodes 3 & 4"

God Being Eternal, the Creator is One Lord, of Israel and the USA and every nation Under God,
and God never "plays favorites," because God Only Being Impartial is Benevolently Eternally the One Good Lord, the Lord of hosts,
thereby, "In the beginning God.." of "In the beginning God Created.."- ref Genesis 1:1,
The ONE God of just peace from God by God, thank God.
of the Scriptural texts of The Old Testament and of human history, 
however, the text in and of the grammar of true language English linguistics,
tells of, Eternal God, the one true, the Creator Who Granted my right of freedom of expression,
thereby;- God being Sovereign over Psalm 139 knowing every of my having purpose from far off, that is every intention of heart of desire helped by God,
by the Holy Spirit of truth from God Who Jesus called the Helper from God,
and God's counsel of God being the Lord stands forever, ref Psalm 33:11,
and God is the same God of before the Scriptural texts of God had Created Heaven,
in that on the 2nd Day, or epoch, God separated the waters above from the waters below,
and Heaven had been Created.  The vault of skies and there are seas and dryland, earth,
in the world, of there has been historical reference of being in the "universe."
During 24 hours per day of seven days transpire per week, the world is under the vault of skies.
Some place on earth the sun in the skies, on the horizon from the vantage point of seas and dry lands, of there are grasses & flowers, and other plants, and there are animals,
and each God Created the higher reasoning sentient consciousness image and likeness of God of each human being individual someone, and ref Eccl, the human spirit returns to God.
In Psalm 118:1 by God never needing help of Eternal God, the Creator being God to be God,
there is, give thanks to the Lord Who having Eternal loving kindness Loves,
and by children are a blessing from the Lord, ref Adam and Eve, and Cain and Abel,
God Loves Daniel and Susanah, and God Loves me, and God Loves you.
God of God's benevolent Law and the prophets, did fulfill up until the 1st century, by God Sealed and nothing can be added or taken from God's Sealed Divine Revelation, in the Scriptural texts of both The Old Testament, nor the Scriptural texts of The New Testament.
Jesus spoke of where someone's heart is there is someone's treasure, and no one is supposed to be called teacher over someone else, such is, ref God being Sovereign over Psalm 139, for example.
Claiming some kind of sovereignty of God has the judgement Seat of God the one Good Lord, ref Deut 32, everything the Holy God does is justice impartial from God being the righteous ONE God Who is the God of Eternally God's own peace, the just peace of God belongs to God,
God having the Voice of God and in the Scriptural texts, every Word from the mouth of God,
and every Word ref Psalm 139 God "Speaks" to my inner self, of heart of desires, and God being the Sole only One Who has omniscience, ref Psalm 139, the Holy Lord of how precious are Your thoughts O God, of toward me, and by the Companionship of The Power of Inspiration of the Holy Spirit of truth from God Who Jesus called the Helper from God,
 God Leading God's Voice of Inspired by ONE God the silent and vocal personal prayers direct to God, in that by the Name of Jesus, ref John 20:31,
God's only begotten Son the Son of man, ref Hebrews 4, the sinless High Priest the Messiah (English diction) the Christ (English diction) Jesus Faithful and True, ref Revelation. 
God Sovereign over Psalm 118, thank God for God's Eternal Loving kindness loving me,
and there is ONE Eternal God, the Creator Who Granted my rights, and God having the Hand of God in that God has the hereafter of God, in Hebrews of the human spirit returns to God, and God having the impartial Benevolent judgment Seal of God in Heaven, thank God.
Jesus of God, in The New Testament offered God's just peace, in that Jesus told, peace He Jesus leaves, not like the world, He Jesus gives.
By God Granted blessings, good today of days.

The following, "With his life and family under threat from Rome, Simon spends one last night fishing in a desperate attempt to square his debts. Andrew spots a familiar face waiting for them on the shores of Galilee."  is on youtube(dot)com, at link, ( The Chosen: Season One, Episodes 3 & 4 - YouTube ), thank God.


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