by, helped by God's Loving me, personal perspective of, "The Clue | Award Winning Short Film (10 Min)"

by God helped by God in glad in thankful to God, loved by God,
in dignity from the Creator, only caring to share.

Treasured, very cool, one unique person, and individual human being who is someone, not someone else, one God Loved, Loves, Loving someone, ref Psalm 118. So? That could be, one of those, "I get that." Can each of us sometimes, "over think?" I think so, lol🕊, thankfully so. Funny, ok, this comment can be getting nowhere, fast, "I get it." Not funny in that context, right? Since only God is being Eternal, the Creator knowing *everything* in regard to *everything* relevant to my past, up to now presently, and God knowing everything, such by God knowing my purpose from far off, ref Psalm 139, and thereby, God knowing intentions of my inner self, the heart of my desires; and ref Deut. 32 in the impartial benevolence of God, only God is being judge;- thereby, God in the Scriptural texts, has exclusive right of only God having the right to tell, *come up hither*, or, *come let us reason together.* God never needs to "Speak" with someone for God to be knowing someone, and God knows me, and I know God. Since I'm in the image and likeness of God, and *not* God, there needs to be in place beyond commonality of God Who being impartial to my being in the image and likeness of God for the inter-dialogue from God Who being impartial to someone else in the image and likeness of God, in that God has impartial relationship to each someone in the image and likeness of God. Its been said, don't point your finger at me, and that is good by the benevolence of God being impartial from God direct to me, and from God direct to you. God never "accuses" because God being God Eternally is knowing everything, i.e. ref Psalm 139 regarding me, and ref Psalm 139 regarding you. God having my personal space and God having your personal space, in that God is being only in entirety impartial , the one true, Creator is the Sole and ONLY Judge benevolently judging each and everything, no exceptions. Who Created the Creation, of Heaven and below the vault of skies, there is the seas and dry lands earth of in the world, I did not, only God Created everything that is Created, ref Genesis, and God entered into God's Own Rest of God, and God had seen on Day 6(epoch 6) that everything or all God had Created had been not just good, however, very good. The 1st Day(epoch 1) and each 24 hour day, only God is good, - Jesus told so, for example, and God, ref Psalm 139 in that God knowing me, separates the light from the darkness. To illustrate the Holy Spirit of truth from God, Who Jesus called The Helper from God, and God being the One Eternal Lord, ref Psalm 33:11 the counsel of the Lord stands forever, Jesus told for someone to not refer to one's self by called teacher, nor exalt someone else not to be called teacher. Sinless High Priest Jesus informed of The Holy Spirit of truth Who is called The Helper from God, has direct from God, by hears from God, to counsel each someone of humanity, thereby, less than God, in helped by God and God's goodness, ref Psalm 139, each someone falls short of God, thereby, Jesus informed by, told, folk that, ye who are evil, he did not say, wicked or vile or brood of vipers, yikes! No, those terms are for extreme hypocrisy and other serious very sinful, for example by, ref Psalm 139, thereby;- God knowing purpose from far off, intentions of the inner self the heart of desires during 24/7. God never needs help for God being Eternal God for God to be God being the only God, and God is being Eternal God, the Creator. Not a game is the *blame game.* The opposition to God is the proverbial "Serpent" and disharmony has dead evil "spirits" of male vipers and female vipers. How? By use of inner self semantics, then "he said, she said," of in this regard pandering to image and likeness of God for a nepotism of image and likeness of God, in one word, populism. Should someone desire to be popular to God and thereby, feel popular of one's own self, his or her, "me, myself, and I" that is self populism toward desire of "he said, she said." Yikes! Once in thankfulness gladly helped by God, I let Psalm 139 , by helped by God setting into my purpose and intentions, it got easier. God reverently "jokes" with me, regarding the Psalms, such like, *what is your favorite Psalm?* From the Voice of God to my inner self, it can be reverently in needed relief funny. God knows my every purpose from far off in restful "thinking," and God knowing that, knows my every intention of inner self desires, the heart of me in the heart is the center of helped by God needed for desires of purposeful intentions, and God knowing not only joyful and sorrowful, like hellos and so long-s for now, God receives each tiny bit of unearned suffering during 24 hours per day and this happens 7 days per week, only God leading me. The Holy Spirit of truth from God Who Jesus called the Helper from God has the Power of Inspiration in Companionship from God, hears from God knowing The Good News of exceedingly great joy. The just peace impartial from God in The Good News Jesus spoke in regard to leave, not like the world, Jesus spoke in regard to gives, being the sinless High Priest Jesus in Heaven, ref Hebrews 4, and the Suffering Servant the Lamb of God who *was slain, the only begotten Son of God the Son of man, the Messiah is the Christ Jesus, and though God's Name is Lord and Yahweh the One Good Lord God, and God Eternal, the Creator is Lord, ref John 20:31, there is life by the Name of Jesus, and by The Holy Spirit of truth Helper from God, the counsel of the Lord stands forever, ref Psalm 33:11, by God merits the gift of God's grace, ref Luke 2, for one example, like Deut 32 God merits the gift of God's grace, like Psalms 8, 19, 33, & 85, God merits the gift of God's grace, however, by sinless Jesus fulfill 100% Psalm 15, God Sealed the Divine Revelation from God, by God continuing to be blessing, good today of days.🕊


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