
Showing posts from July, 2023

By God given thankful blessings of communication, this blog entry is one personal perspective of, "The Chosen Jesus and the Samaritan Woman At The Well"

By, the ever true light of the Creator being one Eternal God, in the text of "In the beginning God Created.." - Genesis 1:1 By God given thankful blessings of communication, this blog entry is one personal perspective of "The Chosen Jesus and the Samaritan Woman At The Well." In that there is life through the Name of Jesus, the Messiah long expected, being the Christ of God, by God!, thanksgiving be to God, by the Spirit of truth from God, the Holy Spirit, the Helper Who hears from God The Good News of exceedingly great joy, and by Psalm 33:11, in that the counsel of the Lord stands forever from generation to generation, by being one believer, curator of @joffrontoborne in my youtube account, this is only by Creator Granted rights not legally alienated from someone, in need of Joseph, me being one believer, to in thankful communication, out of thanksgiving from God, for the "The Samaritan Woman's Story - Pastor Robert Morris" an excellent sermon on how

by God, thanksgiving to God, thank God and person perspective on, "Facebook Live with Joan Lunden - Kathie Lee"

In light of rights from the Creator, of the Scriptural text of "In the beginning God Created.." ref - Genesis 1:1 Goodness, such down to earth honest relating to one another. Love? Okay, not the "warm fuzzies" of emotionalism, of course, I could do that, but that is not love from or love of God, right? In my, ok, I'm not as young as I used to be, in my 60s, years old, of course;- however, I do love journalists, men and women. In my youth, if in the afternoon session, sometimes I'd catch some of at first David Hartman and Joan Lundon on Good Morning America. Ok, so? Not "20/20" or "60 Minutes" or "Dateline" however, that show to start the day had elements of so termed "hard" news. Yet the human interest relevant true stories related to folk, right? Kind of like is, "Up Close and Personal" had someone previously directly agreed, of just some relating to others in real life. Randy Gardener and Tai Babiloni

Thanks be to God, helped by God, thank God, one perspective of, "Oliver - Jean 1969 (Lyrics)"

In that thanksgiving be to God, and "In the beginning God Created.."-ref Genesis 1:1, the Creator gives impartial in entirety rights from the Creator. Thank God! The light of truth from God lamps God having pure benevolence from God. Goodness, the blue or cloudy skies of Ash Creek Dr. in Dallas, TX, *And please note, in thankful need of God given human need of communication, for example, (oh, 9 years old back then, and liked a girl, could have been named "Jean" at the bus stop, on the way to third grade. by God, the camp teacher, volunteer kids, of us children in the image and likeness of God, say his name had been, "Mr. Smith" or "Mr. Smunito" an Italian or "Mr. Walker" in that we had a compass, and a string, to find objects near Ash Creek in the woods by nearby Ash Creek dam. The gully had been over my head, and the traverse, not then at the scavenger hunt, God no!, God helped, us kids, hey, lambkins, right? We walked over the dry

"The Lord helps and delivers them;.." ref Psalm 37:40, by God, thanks be to God, thank God for personal perspective of, "The Fight Against Worldwide Child Slavery & the Sex Trade | Jim Caviezel..."

In God's impartiality of entirety of true light from God Eternal, the Creator, lamps the impartial rights of each child through adulthood on God Granted lifelong sojourn, are impartial rights from the Creator, living and effective, The truth from God is that God deeply has impartial righteousness of God angers at injustice, and God ever Sending help of God for God Being in entirety benevolent in justice of God for impartial peace from God in rights impartial from God Eternal, the Creator, in the following context of the Scriptural texts of The Holy Bible, there is the following, *And please note, in thankful need of God given human need of communication,  for example,  "The Lord helps and delivers them; he will deliver them from the wicked, and he will save them because they have sought refuge in him." - ref Psalm 37:40 ~  "In the beginning God Created.."- ref Genesis 1:1, Psalms 8, 33, 85, 139, and from Genesis through Revelation, ie, Deuteronomy 32, God being

by God, thanks be to God, a personal reflection of, "#jealousofmyself this song and your voice are so beautiful 🤍 hope you do..."

in light of , "In the beginning God Created.."- ref Genesis 1 _ Hello, for my usual, for goodness sake, because God is needed for, thankfulness of "jealous" to "zealous" by help from God for, *myself, in that *( I am, me) to have been and, by receiving God has merits for the gift of God's grace, its not just delivered continually from unearned suffering, however, the joys and sorrow in the impartial love in peacefulness, are by helped by God, too. Hmm, how to describe this, how's "In the beginning God.."- ref Genesis 1:1 So, please know God ever is being Eternally happy, oils of Eternal gladness joys, and sorrow, and a misunderstanding is the false claim that God had been lonely;- God *decided to, "In the beginning God Created.."- ref Genesis 1:1. Interesting? For impartial love, that is from God the gift of true light of compassion, right? So, it follows, God merits the love, the joy and the sorrow for rights of hope, peace an