"The Lord helps and delivers them;.." ref Psalm 37:40, by God, thanks be to God, thank God for personal perspective of, "The Fight Against Worldwide Child Slavery & the Sex Trade | Jim Caviezel..."

In God's impartiality of entirety of true light from God Eternal, the Creator,
lamps the impartial rights of each child through adulthood on God Granted lifelong sojourn,
are impartial rights from the Creator, living and effective,
The truth from God is that God deeply has impartial righteousness of God angers at injustice,
and God ever Sending help of God for God Being in entirety benevolent in justice of God for impartial peace from God in rights impartial from God Eternal, the Creator,
in the following context of the Scriptural texts of The Holy Bible,
there is the following,
*And please note, in thankful need of God given human need of communication,
 for example, 
"The Lord helps and delivers them;
he will deliver them from the wicked,
and he will save them because they have sought refuge in him." - ref Psalm 37:40
 "In the beginning God Created.."- ref Genesis 1:1,
Psalms 8, 33, 85, 139, and from Genesis through Revelation,
ie, Deuteronomy 32, God being Sole impartial judge, by judging in God having the only omniscience, 
and "Thou shalt not steal." - ref Exodus 20:15 by Psalm 33:11 the counsel of The Lord stands forever from generation to generation, Luke chapter 2, Glory to God in the highest proclaimed the Heavenly host of Angel, or called the Angelic host, God having goodwill toward humanity,
and peace on earth on whom God's favor rests. This being God having the unshakable kingdom of God is at hand, the gift of God's merits of Granted oils of gladness favor rests thankfulness blessings gift of God's grace, in that God's Word stands forever, ref Isaiah 40:8,
in Ecclesiastes 12, the human spirit returns to God,
please note, that in the Scriptures of the Scriptural texts,
 The Spirit of truth from God The Holy Spirit Helper, Who Preservers the Scriptural texts of Genesis through Revelation, before the silver cord is severed and the golden bowl crushed,
like God having God's Voice footsteps in the Scriptural texts of The Garden of Eden,
*note, please in the Gospels, no only are Angels of God for each child before the throne of God in continuing help from God, in Psalm 8 the child-like innocence praise of children foils the opposition to God and Godliness,  and Jesus told, to become like a child to remain in child-like simplicity to inherit the kingdom of God or in nowise shall you enter into the kingdom of God.
in Psalm 85, because God angers intensely at injustice of opposition to God and Godliness,
by the helped by God, "in that so help me God" reference Psalm 139 by God ever knowing someone's purpose from far off, in that God ever has impartial purview of God Eternal, the Creator of someone's purposed intentions of heart, "Lord, you have seen what is in my heart.
    You know all about me.
You know when I sit down and when I get up.
    You know what I’m thinking even though you are far away.
You know when I go out to work and when I come back home.
    You know exactly how I live.
Lord, even before I speak a word,
    you know all about it." - ref Psalm 139:1-4
"You planned how many days I would live.
    before I had lived through even one of them.   
No one can possibly add them all up.
  If I could count them,
    they would be more than the grains of sand.
If I were to fall asleep counting and then wake up,
    you would still be there with me.
I wish those murderers would get away from me!
They are your enemies. They misuse your name.
    They misuse it for their own evil purposes.
Lord, I really hate those who hate you!
    I really hate those who rise up against you!
I have nothing but hatred for them.
    I consider them to be my enemies.
Know what is there.
Test me.
    Know what I’m thinking.
See if there’s anything in my life you don’t like.
    Help me live in the way that is always right.
 You wrote down the number of them in your book
God, your thoughts about me are priceless.
God, I wish you would kill the people who are evil!
God, see what is in my heart." - ref Psalm 139:16-24
New International Reader's Version (NIRV, Psalm 139 NIRV - For the director of music. A psalm of - Bible Gateway ).

In The Holy Name of God, Yahweh is YHVH the Eternal IAM, The Holy Name of God, Hashem The Name, of God in, "In the beginning God Created..."-ref Genesis 1:1,
by God, thank God, the Holy Spirit of truth from God The Good Lord of hosts, Name thereof,
by the Holy Name of Holy Spirit of truth from God,
 The Helper Who preserved by God in that The Holy Spirit the Helper from God hears from God reminding The Good News,
ref The Last Discourse in the Good News according to John,
and by through The Holy Name of Jesus, ref John 20:31,
of the Messiah (English diction) Jesus is the Christ (English diction) Jesus High Priest, ref Hebrews 4, Faithful and True, the Suffering Servant the Lamb of God who was slain,
the Lion of the tribe of Judah, "for unto us a Son is given," in the Scriptural texts of The Holy Bible,
foretold both in The Old Testament and in The New Testament,
God's only begotten Son of God, ref John 3:16, the Son of man, Jesus the Prince of Peace,
the long expected Messiah is the Christ Jesus, 
of Revelation chapter 7, of God and the Lamb who was slain, Jesus the Messiah the High Priest Faithful and True, having the covering of the Tabernacle of God,
for the nations of each and every historical settings since the year of the/our Lord ref 0, zero,
and God told in Genesis of He the Son of man, fostered by blessed by God, Joseph the carpenter of Nazereth(Branch, like is from Jesse's true) born of  the blessed by God the virgin Mary,
that He Jesus, the Son of God will crush the head of the Serpent,
the opposition to God and Godliness known by Christ-like since the 1st century,
"Give thanks to the Lord, because he is good.
    His faithful love continues forever." - ref Psalm 118:1
""The Lord has done it.
    It is wonderful in our eyes.
The Lord has done it on this day.
    Let us be joyful today and be glad.
Lord, save us.
    Lord, give us success.
Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord."
- ref Psalm 118:23-26
"Give thanks to the Lord, because he is good.
    His faithful love continues forever." - ref Psalm 118:29
"Praise the Lord.

Sing a new song to the Lord.
    Sing praise to him in the assembly of his faithful people.
Let Israel be filled with joy because God is their Maker.
    Let the people of Zion be glad because he is their King. 

Let them praise his name with dancing.
    Let them make music to him with harps and tambourines.
The Lord takes delight in his people.
    He awards with victory those who are humble.
Let his faithful people be filled with joy because of that honor.
    Let them sing for joy even when they are lying in bed.
May they praise God with their mouths.
    May they hold in their hands a sword that has two edges.
Let them pay the nations back
    Let them punish the people of the earth.
Let them put the kings of those nations in chains.
    Let them put their nobles in iron chains.
Let them carry out God’s sentence against those nations.
    This will bring glory to all his faithful people.
Praise the Lord." - ref Psalm 149:1-9
Give thanks to the Lord, because he is good.

    His faithful love continues forever." ref Psalm 118:29


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