Thanks be to God, helped by God, thank God, one perspective of, "Oliver - Jean 1969 (Lyrics)"

In that thanksgiving be to God,
and "In the beginning God Created.."-ref Genesis 1:1,
the Creator gives impartial in entirety rights from the Creator.
Thank God! The light of truth from God lamps God having pure benevolence from God.

Goodness, the blue or cloudy skies of Ash Creek Dr. in Dallas, TX, *And please note, in thankful need of God given human need of communication, for example, (oh, 9 years old back then, and liked a girl, could have been named "Jean" at the bus stop, on the way to third grade. by God, the camp teacher, volunteer kids, of us children in the image and likeness of God, say his name had been, "Mr. Smith" or "Mr. Smunito" an Italian or "Mr. Walker" in that we had a compass, and a string, to find objects near Ash Creek in the woods by nearby Ash Creek dam. The gully had been over my head, and the traverse, not then at the scavenger hunt, God no!, God helped, us kids, hey, lambkins, right? We walked over the dry dam top, wide enough one by one. The ledge on the other side, had been packed dirt, rocks, and tree roots holding it up. Now I had been less than 85 llbs, so, no real danger right? Wrong. The ledge gave way, and I grabbed the tree roots, by the God merits the gift of God's grace, even though, thank God, the tree roots were strong enough, I had been climbing to safety, however, the opportunity of friends, helped in that letting go of the tree root, too by God's help to let go, and grasp the friends hands, and did get to safety. God gives help to only trust God, ref Psalm 122.) "The Lord helps and delivers them; he will deliver them from the wicked, and he will save them because they have sought refuge in him." - ref Psalm 37:40 in '68 to '69, or 1970 or so, in 1969. In the school, we had a private prayer to start the day by the pushed into the gymnasium bleachers. God to be trusted stayed in school, and no opposition to God, from 1963 had stopped us from praying in school, so there communist, of God The Good One Holy Lord Eternal, the Creator, Who gives impartial rights for life, in that Eternal God having God's Seal on Jesus, the sinless long expected Messiah, the Christ Jesus High Priest (ref Hebrews 4) Faithful and True ref Revelation, and God having God's Voice of God's footsteps steps in the Scriptural texts of The Garden of Eden, and God having God's righteousness impartial kisses peace, ref Psalm 85, God angers at injustice in the opposition to God and Godliness in God Commands glad thankful observance of God merits the gift of, Deut. 32 God has the flashing sword of God's the counsel of the Lord stands forever from generation to generation, ref Psalm 33:11. God's Own Voice living and effective from God joins God's footsteps of ref Isaiah 40:8 and Isaiah 55. of God Being superior as the heavens are above the earth, and God having God's Word comes down *like the rain and the snow, and never returns to God empty, however God's Word returns to God, unlike the grasses and flowers that grow and fade, (like Ecclesiastes of the human spirit returns to God), that is ref Isaiah 55, God's Voice impartial from Eternal God, The Holy Lord Eternal, the Creator's point of view, for the very purpose that God intends. "In the beginning God Created.."- ref Genesis 1:1, Psalms 8, 33, 85, 139, and from Genesis through Revelation, ie, Deuteronomy 32, God being Sole impartial judge, by judging in God having the only omniscience, and "Thou shalt not steal." - ref Exodus 20:15 by Psalm 33:11 the counsel of The Lord stands forever from generation to generation, Luke chapter 2, Glory to God in the highest proclaimed the Heavenly host of Angel, or called the Angelic host, God having goodwill toward humanity, and peace on earth on whom God's favor rests. The Spirit of truth from God The Holy Spirit Helper, Who Preservers the Scriptural texts of Genesis through Revelation, before the silver cord is severed and the golden bowl crushed, thereby, The Holy Spirit from God's the Scriptural texts of The Holy Bible, for example The Last Discourse, The Spirit of truth formed by God Being The Other Helper Who by Jesus who told, the Father is greater than I, having told the Father is greater than all, at that time in The Good News, told from then on, from, God from The Heaven the skies or heavens, told, this is My beloved Son in whom I'm well pleased, and by Psalm 15 for example, the long expected Messiah needed by God's impartial purview sight of The Lord to be sinless, the Messiah, English diction of the Hebrew, the Christ, the English diction of the Greek, Hight Priest, ref Hebrews 4, Faithful and True Jesus, ref John 3:16-17, *note, please, the English diction of "he" is just "he", however in some cases, "he" or "she," and one of the impartial reasons, is that God Being Protector Impartial, of from God the needs and concerns of joys & sorrows, that in early humanity, ie, the Scriptural texts of The Garden of Eden, the joy & sorrows of God's help gladly in oils of gladness favor rests thankfulness blessings from God to: Adam & Eve, had been by each of them, he and she, ref Psalm 139, God helping each of their purpose from far of intentions of heart, of full intent of heart, Adam and Eve deliberately refused God's help. Very sad, indeed. Then good v. evil intentions of goodness v harmfulness, not inside "waters" ref Genesis 1 of Creation, no, the imagination by use of semantics implications, like Cain develop envy then fleshly anger at Abel. Then, God, The Holy Lord, Eternal Creator told in the needed warning to Cain, sin is at the door, the door of Cain's heart, and Cain did not let hope from God impartial lead him, Cain, no, optimistic fatalism in his own imagination, Cain despaired, and the lured, Abel who by gladness of oils favor from God thankfully received blessings, by God helped impartially Abel, so Abel trust God Eternal Creator, the Lord Who made Heaven and earth;- and Cain did not heed God, and Cain a "confidence man" having refused God's help in entirety, ref Psalm 139 for example, did carry out the murder of Abel. The image and likeness of God use of semantics imagination of each of someone's own responsibility, ref Psalms, 8, 33, 85 & 139, for example, by God from God Who Being Eternal The Holy Lord, the Creator Who Granted rights impartial to Abel, for example, and God Commands of course, do not use semantic of "confidence game" to use image and likeness of God peer pressure to tell someone their past, up to presently, to tell thier future had someone doing so, for example, do not be called teacher, nor call someone teacher, like Jesus told, in order that The Holy Spirit of truth formed by God the other Helper Who hears from God for The Good News, the context needed, from Genesis through Revelation, ref Psalm 139, for example, to each someone an individual in the image and likeness of God, by and from impartial Granted rights from the Creator, Eternal God, ie, "In the beginning God Created..."- ref Genesis 1:1. "My help comes from the LORD, who made heaven and earth." ref Psalm 122:1 is from God Eternal, the Creator to each someone, for example, under the skies of there are seas and dry land earth, that is God Helping each human being person individual having higher reasoning sentient consciousness in the image and likeness of God, direct from God, thank God. Glory to God in the highest, from Luke 2, the Angelic host declared to the shepherds, of families, each individual in the image and likeness of God, God as goodwill toward humanity, and peace on earth on whom God's favor rests. "John 3:16-17 Meaning and Commentary INTRODUCTION TO 1 JOHN 3 In this chapter the apostle exhorts to a holy life and conversation in general, and to the exercise of brotherly love in particular. The former of these is urged from the consideration of the great blessing of adoption, which springs from the free love and favour of God, ..." - online ref link source as follows, ( ). Just peace from God, this today of days, thank God that like is shown in Psalm 19, of the Scriptural texts therein, the sun rises some place, 24 hours per day during 7 days per week, thank God, through Jesus' Name, ref John 20:31, and by The Spirit of truth from God formed by God, The Holy Spirit Who being the Helper, in the Scriptural texts, of The Last Discourse of The Good News according to John, impartially helps someone.🕊


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