by God, thanks be to God, a personal reflection of, "#jealousofmyself this song and your voice are so beautiful 🤍 hope you do..."

in light of , "In the beginning God Created.."- ref Genesis 1

Hello, for my usual, for goodness sake, because God is needed for, thankfulness of "jealous" to "zealous" by help from God for, *myself, in that *( I am, me) to have been and, by receiving God has merits for the gift of God's grace, its not just delivered continually from unearned suffering, however, the joys and sorrow in the impartial love in peacefulness, are by helped by God, too. Hmm, how to describe this, how's "In the beginning God.."- ref Genesis 1:1 So, please know God ever is being Eternally happy, oils of Eternal gladness joys, and sorrow, and a misunderstanding is the false claim that God had been lonely;- God *decided to, "In the beginning God Created.."- ref Genesis 1:1. Interesting? For impartial love, that is from God the gift of true light of compassion, right? So, it follows, God merits the love, the joy and the sorrow for rights of hope, peace and justice in the blessedness of being in the image and likeness of God, so unearned suffering, that God never influenced to happen, only God delivers from that various intensities of unearned suffering. So, lots has been said of 'judgmentally' 'jurisprudence' impartiality of discernment of one's own, myself for example, ref Psalm 139, however, Deut. 32 answers that only God is impartial judge, who delivers from unearned suffering, that *is from other(s) in breech of trust. (ie. Cain lured Abel... and then literally murdered him, Abel, who God had been pleased, so Abel trusted God, and only God to lead Abel.) Jesus told, do not be called rabbi that is teacher, and do not call someone rabbi that is teacher, and by that, those who practice breech of trust claims of innocent or not guilty or blameless, use semantics, ref Psalm 139 in deliberate design on someone to behave Godly known by Christ-like in job or influence of those who each breech trust have their opinion Under God, and none are to be called teacher by myself, Joseph, for example, no exceptions, for only God is good, Jesus told so. Both, seek ye first the kingdom of God and ref Deut 32 & Psalm 103, and The Last Discourse, and prior, the Father is greater than all, and Jesus told the Father is greater than Him, Jesus the sinless long expected Messiah the Christ of the High Priestly Prayer and Hebrews 4, and Faithful and True. The in Revelation 19:10, each of us, human beings one person individual has personal life of need of that living and effective from The Holy Spirit of truth from God formed by God hears from God directly, so God tells for each of our personal life, the signs of the times for one's own personal life, for, John had accidentally reverenced an Angel overly so, ref Psalm 8, too, humanity is a little less than the Angels in Heaven, who visit earth;- and Luke 2:14, Glory to God in the highest, God has goodwill toward humanity and peace on earth on whom God's favor rests, and the end of Matthew 11, thereby, "Then I fell down at his feet to worship him, but he said to me, “You must not do that! I am a fellow servant with you and your brothers who hold to the testimony of Jesus. Worship God.” For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy." - ref Revelation 19:10. Just peace from God, thank God Who Blesses the Blessings of impartiality just🕊 peace that God provides, like Jesus offered, peace He Jesus gives, not like the world, He Jesus offered, as High Priest. Good today of days, the sun rises some place 24/7, and Psalm 30 tells, hope is in the morning. _________ So, I am going to blog this, because for some reason these by God's help comments do not stick sometimes, and its best to leave that to a 'glitch.' But there is zero judgement on someone of personal judgement from myself, Joseph to someone else. 🕊


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