by dignity of rights are directly from the Creator, my perspective on, "Jack Antonoff & Drew Barrymore Reflect on their "Shadow Work" | The Drew..."

by God, thank God the Eternal God, the Creator...

Of redundancy can be joyful, in that catch you later in so long for now, by it has needed sorrowful of voluntary, of course, relationship, ok? @DrewBarrymore of online *public* commonplace internet communications venues, it's just that, thank God, I do relate, however, being one man, its difficult of the shhhhhhhhh, of a type of plausible *tabloid* inference of others, ok? Yikes! An example could be an expression of neighborly, if not online internet communications friendship caring is a type of distant "love" - but, of course, not perosnsl life friendship, however, - it's true in friendship online, ok? @DrewBarrymore of online internet communications, - I heart you.♥ How come, that being ubiquitous as far as hearts online in the communication of internet social comments, it can be fraught with the inference of others dangers? God being the only One, Who has omniscience, knows! That 'book' of a comment, is that a common direction or trajectory is beyond a common ground, and only by Creator Granted impartial right of conscience, in expressed communications, can a friendship develop, ok? The prudence of each never is a so-termed, *puppet* mimic of each, that is just simplicity in the truth by the dignity of the human being person, gifted by God to be someone that has the image and likeness of God, - at least from the Biblical point of view that I happen to have, and know to be the truth from God. So, did you ever hear of that it has to be *external* of unearned suffering, life is imitated by fictional storytelling, so not scary, however, in the "Extant" TV series, in that it had been a series in the sci-fi genre, of some type of external force affected the psyche of orchestrated to dupe folk into volunteering to be sequestered into intersecting peer pressures of conformity, to *guide* each individual human being person, as someone needed to be guided into the '1984,' type of conformity, of not only big brother, however, big sister, - of neighborly face to face influence to comply. Do you remember the so termed, "Cold War?" Every venue including under the Creator Granted rights in dignity to the individual human being person, by God in the Biblical perspective, someone gifted by God to be in the image and likeness of God, in that the individual is not under the dominion of the family, for example. In that God being Eternal, the Creator did Create the plants and beasts of the field, of every kind of plant or other animals, such are insects. God has Sovereignty, and human stewardship is called dominion over plants and beasts of the field, of course, they are 'lower' life forms. Does the book, only as an opinion, called, "The Naked Ape," be concerning as an opinion of humanity, yes that is a false opinion. For example, in the generations of each Testament, and up until now, there are over 6000 years passed, of God elevated each individual human being person to be someone gifted by God to be in the image and likeness of God, so, if classified by "Homo Sapien," humanity has not been only Homo Sapiens for over 6000 years. The Scriptures coincide with the reports in school of the formation of at least, 5 cradles of human civilization, over 6000 years ago. Yet, natural language grammar and linguistic rules of communication developed just prior to 6000 years ago, too. And that is true of Mesopotamia and the Mediterranean lands, of God Sent, Name thereof, Jesus of Nazareth, called rabbi, that is teacher, of historical northern Israel, in Galilee of nations. Thank you for your time and consideration. In that honestly, God does the blessings, just peace🕊 of and from God.

p.s. Did Cain have dominion over Abel, no! God does love me, and Guide my sojourn of life.


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