By God, thanksgiving be to God, a personal perspective on, "A Charlie Brown Christmas (1965)"

 In that children are each one boy or girl, of Creator Granted dignity, by thankfulness to God, thank you for your consideration. In that the needed dignity of being in the image and likeness of God,"Merry Christmas Season, Linus, Charlie, Steve, Peppermint Patty, Lucy, Schroeder who played the piano, of the Linus reminder of the reason for the Season of happens, at the 1 day of consecrated oil, in a God Granted Miracle of lasting for 8 days,thereby, the Hanakah Season is near the Nativity Season.

There is a needed help from God, however,the "Who" is God needs the honest reality in concern of realizing that the dignity that God Granted needs to be observed in a dignified daily life, right?

By God Sends, and God has the impartial Word from the mouth of God in the Scriptural texts of The Old Testament, and the Scriptural texts in The New Testament, and those texts are in natural language. The Biblical historical perspective in each Testament shows the foibles, faults, and failings of humanity in general, even some 'down' and undignified realities by the human being person, someone in needed help from God Who is only benevolent.

God being Eternal, does have the every Word from the mouth of God, ref Deut 8:3, and by God has the compassion in impartiality *like an earthly father, ref Psalm 103, the Scriptural texts of The Old Testament do foretell, of God to Send the long expected Messiah, and God Sent an Angel to Zachariah and thereby, Elizabeth, and they are in the Scriptural texts in natural language, husband and wife. In the field of Bethlehem, the place of bread, by Luke chapter 2, related directly to, "A Charlie Brown Christmas," the Angel from being Sent by God, did tell of Jesus to be found in swaddling clothes. God being only benevolent has the Glory of, from and by God, and the Angel had been joined by the Heavenly host of Angels, and proclaimed not only Glory to God in the highest, God being Lord, and the title, in the Scriptural texts of natural language in The Good News contained in The New Testament, has Jesus addressed by the title, "Lord" sometimes. God did Send the Savior the Messiah called "Lord," in that God's only begotten Son of God the Son of man, by natural language Greek spoken commonly in the 1st century, and English in the USA, Christ the "Lord," in regard to Name thereof, Jesus of Nazareth. This can get very long, however, in Psalm 15, who can climb the mountain of the Lord? - The mountain of inheritance, in that God keeps the Covenant and the promises of God are always kept benevolently, and the Messiah has no sin for God Sent, Name thereof, Jesus of Nazareth, and He called, God, Father, and "Righteous Father."At 12 years old, by God, Jesus asked and answered questions, and in another part of The Good News of God Sent Jesus the long expected Messiah, the Christ, it had been that, he does all things well, by opening the ears of a man who could not hear nor speak. Jesus often prayed, and Jesus did go into the mountains to pray. "For God so loved the world that He *God being the Guardian of Israel, and of course, every nation of each historical setting, that *God* gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life." - referenced John 3:16. Jeremiah 29:11 has, in the translation called, "International Children's Bible (ICB)," in that quotation of "I say this because I know what I have planned for you," says the Lord. "I have good plans for you. I don't plan to hurt you. I plan to give you hope and a good future." in Scriptural text in natural language.

In that the generations of both Testaments, and up until now, this historical setting add up to just over 6000 years, in school in grade school, even, I learned that at least 5 cradles of civilization happened to coincide exactly then, of the grace from God, expertise in grammar rules linguistics in natural language. And the *perspective* of Biblical Scriptural texts in natural language is that God Granted each human being person, by someone receives this from God, the image and likeness of God, thank God!

By God blesses and just peace is of, from and by God, in that no sin, High Priest Jesus of Nazareth, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, in the Scriptural texts, ie. Hebrews 4, of Jesus the Messiah is the Christ Jesus is the only Divine Mediator between God and humanity. The Holy Spirit of had been Formed by God, hears from God, and is called by Jesus the Helper, and leads in all truth of God, from God, and by God, - in that at the Last Discourse Jesus did tell that God, He called, Father is greater than He, Jesus, and in John 20, Jesus did tell, form His perspective, my God and your God. Good today of days.
The Light of God Sends and, thank God, by God Sent Messiah Jesus of Nazareth.



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