By inherent rights, dignity, freedom, & self-worth only God Eternal, the Creator gives, my perspective on, "Michelle Monaghan is a Product of Compassion"

In this, "compassion," even though I've seen her in film, I did know her name readily. By my inherent thankfulness, thank you for your consideration. The graphic artist Peter White and Michelle Monahagn show the year-after-year support of one another, and it's cool they have two "kids" - lambkins really, ok, ok, getting big, I guess preteen or close to preteen, if not both of them. In her blogs of personal in her posts of promotions, such is films, and herbs to help skin, today I noticed that she had been treated for skin cancer. Compassion from "inner life," needs the heart of desires, in the soul of the essence of self, the strength of the human spirit, & the breath of life. The following quote is by, "fair use," from an article at "Skin Cancer Foundation," and the blog is, "Sun and Skin News," called, "After a Melanoma Diagnosis, Actress Michelle Monaghan Got Serious About Skin Health BY ALI VENOSA • JULY 24, 2023" "That damage led to some changes in the shape of a mole on Monaghan’s leg. She admits she wasn’t too concerned about it, but her husband, who is Australian, insisted she get it checked out. “There’s a high rate of skin cancer in Australia, so he had been educated about it in school. They learned the importance of applying sunscreen regularly, protecting their skin and the ABCDEs of melanoma,” Monaghan says. “I wasn’t familiar with skin cancer. It wasn’t something I was informed about, so I didn’t take the prospect of getting skin cancer seriously.” After about three months of her husband’s pushing, Monaghan made an appointment with a dermatologist. The doctor biopsied the suspicious mole, and the results were bad news — melanoma. “I was shocked when I got the news,” Monaghan recalls, “but I still didn’t appreciate how bad it was until the doctor said, ‘This is serious. You need to come back in now, and we need to take this out.’” - ( ).


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