
Showing posts from May, 2024

By inherent thankfulness from the Creator, a personal perspective of, "Man Dies & Learns We Have It Completely Backwards! (Powerful NDE)"

God being the Creator speaks of history immemorial of humanity having ONE God. In due respect of human dignity, this perspective has voluntary of freedom is from the Creator. In the inherent thankfulness thank you for your consideration. The dignified testimony is in the video described as follows, " Bill Letson had an NDE (Near-Death Experience) after contracting the flu. He flew through a star-filled realm and met three beings and God in Heaven. An NDE (Near-Death Experience) occurs when someone dies, is revived, and knows there is life after death. " In the human condition has been sleeping.  The doorway into the hereafter has the sleep subsequent to the last breath of how God gives the breath of life. In this of human dignity, I enjoyed Bill Letson's *voluntary* testimony, part of his God Granted freedom is impartial from the Creator being God, the God of gave him, Bill Letson's human dignity in the first place. It does in how God has the interrogative of the need

By God, thanksgiving be to God, a personal perspective on, "A Charlie Brown Christmas (1965)"

  In that children are each one boy or girl, of Creator Granted dignity, by thankfulness to God, thank you for your consideration. In that the needed dignity of being in the image and likeness of God,"Merry Christmas Season, Linus, Charlie, Steve, Peppermint Patty, Lucy, Schroeder who played the piano, of the Linus reminder of the reason for the Season of happens, at the 1 day of consecrated oil, in a God Granted Miracle of lasting for 8 days,thereby, the Hanakah Season is near the Nativity Season. There is a needed help from God, however,the "Who" is God needs the honest reality in concern of realizing that the dignity that God Granted needs to be observed in a dignified daily life, right? By God Sends, and God has the impartial Word from the mouth of God in the Scriptural texts of The Old Testament, and the Scriptural texts in The New Testament, and those texts are in natural language. The Biblical historical perspective in each Testament shows the foibles, faults, and

By God, thanksgiving be to God Who has the gift from God, the grace from God, personal perspective on, "Near Death Experience: This Will Leave All Christians in Shock | Journey..."

In that God did Send God's only begotten Son of God, the Son of man, the long expected Messiah Jesus of Nazareth,  thanksgiving be to God for the gift from God, the image and likeness of God. God being Eternal Spirit of God is God the Creator,  and the rights from the Creator are inherent to me, and the rights from the Creator are inherent to each person is one human being person that the needed help from God, is by the Helper.  As the Helper is the Holy Spirit Formed by God, and by the Companionship of the Holy Spirit, the help needed from God does happen,  for the Holy Spirit hears from God and leads in all truth from God. The video information is at the online link, (, and is listed here as follows, "Near Death Experience: This Will Leave All Christians in Shock | Journey into the Spiritual Realm" "Behold" - ref, ( ) "Dec 7, 2023  #SpiritualReality #SpiritualRealm #NearDeathExperience Watch

By God, thank God of the gift from God the grace from God, my perspective of, "Dr. Ben Carson's Most Important Speech"

God being only benevolent in the entirety is Eternal God the Spirit of God, the Creator,  thank God for the freedom of expression,  and only God has omniscience, and only God is judging each and everything, by God being right of right in each and everything, and God is being right in regard to each human being person is someone by God gave the blessing of image and likeness of God, thereby, Under the Sovereignty of God directly, God Granted the Passover and God of each Testament of Scriptural texts in natural language, that is the texts of The Old Testament and the texts of The New Testament,  is God Who did Send, Name thereof, Jesus of Nazareth, and God of Scriptural texts of each Testament of The Holy Bible is God having every facet of the light of truth and life, the life-giver is God, the Creator, thank God. In needed help from God the benevolence of God, the oils of gladness favor rests blessings, thanks be to God, by God in communication, thank you for your consideration;- God

*Perspective of Biblical history, through the 20th century, God is Eternal and benevolent for each of humanity," my comment on, "Is "Fear of the Jews" ruling the world? No more."

The public post, in that, thank God,  from the Creator Granted right of freedom of expression, my comment is below the video, of the following is posted at the video as of, today, 12:34 PM 5/7/2024, timestamp from my laptop in use of "notepad" on a Windows 11 computer system. The posted by, "Scripture and Tradition," posted as follows, " Context The Holocaust   Wikipedia The Holocaust was the genocide of European Jews during World War II. Between 1941 and 1945, Nazi Germany and its collaborators systematically murdered some six million Jews across German-occupied Europe, around two-thirds of Europe's Jewish population." *and* " Premiered May 5, 2024 With sincere sorrow for all who have died in war, exaggerating atrocities does not help future generations, but actually endangers them. The truth about history, as best we can find it, is the only way to peace. I am not sure what description to give this video (which might seem disjointed, though all