*Perspective of Biblical history, through the 20th century, God is Eternal and benevolent for each of humanity," my comment on, "Is "Fear of the Jews" ruling the world? No more."

The public post, in that, thank God,
 from the Creator Granted right of freedom of expression, my comment is below the video,
of the following is posted at the video as of, today, 12:34 PM 5/7/2024, timestamp from my laptop in use of "notepad" on a Windows 11 computer system.
The posted by, "Scripture and Tradition," posted as follows,
The Holocaust 
The Holocaust was the genocide of European Jews during World War II. Between 1941 and 1945, Nazi Germany and its collaborators systematically murdered some six million Jews across German-occupied Europe, around two-thirds of Europe's Jewish population."
Premiered May 5, 2024

*note, this had been in that God has the best interests for each of us in humanity,
  a direct reply to, a comment in regard to Semitic people,
 in regions north to south, Lebanon & the Golan Heights to Gaza & Egypt, 
 east to west of regions of, Jordan, of the West Bank and the Israel of the "road to the sea" as is in Isaiah and in the Gospels.

Dear, in that the Creator being Eternal God, in benevolence has to have the best for each of us in humanity, in the inherent need I have of thankfulness, thank you for your consideration. from: myself, @Joffrontobourne, to:  (at)IrishTradCatholic in this public youtube online 'venue" to care in the humanity each of us shares. Impartiality is needed by the historical record to come from beyond the human condition. The God of the vault of skies, there are the seas & the drylands of the world, on this planet earth, obviously, the benevolence of God of being the Creator during the 24hrs per day and 7 days per week cannot be the harm that has resulted to humanity. In that being remembered, of during a lifelong sojourn of daily life, and being remembered in the hereafter of God has the Hand of God, now and forever, everlasting to everlasting - the truth of Adam being tricked, by the 'devil,' the proverbial serpent has the force of 'spirit' opposed to God, in that God blessed Adam to have the image & likeness of God, *in fact fully informed Adam, do not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good v. evil - the cause of harmfulness. (the falsehood spirit mixes truth & lies, surely you will not die, your 'eyes' will be opened, and knowing good v. evil of self-purpose from far off in desires of the heart, yikes!!!! In that Deut. 8:3 says, from God, Under God, thanksgiving be to God, that humanity shall not live by bread only, but, live by every Word from the mouth of God - the needed bread of life for the human spirit (in need of the human body that needs God Created oxygen). God gives the helping Hand in the Voice of, from and by God during 24hrs per day, of 7 days per week. God did Send to northern historical Israel in Galilee of nations, the long-expected Messiah in that the Christ Jesus is God's only begotten Son of God the Son of man. Jesus of Nazareth, extremely hungry at the end of 40 days in the desert, had been challenged by the "devil," the force of spirit opposed to God, in heartstrings pretense of sweet-talk, - turn a stone into bread. Jesus told, it is written, (in regard to 'man' - 'mankind' and 'humanity' are sometimes synonymous because the Scriptural texts in the natural language of then, God's Word reveals grown to adulthood, Adam, first, however, God brought Eve to Adam, and they had been husband and wife.), humanity does not live by bread only, but by every Word from the mouth of God. In the Scriptural texts, the conversation from Jesus of Nazareth, is "come and see," that is an invitation, by God did Send Him, in that there is the history of intensities of unearned suffering, "" God loved the world this way: He gave his only Son so that everyone who believes in him will not die but will have eternal life. 17 God sent his Son into the world, not to condemn the world, but to save the world."- John 3:16-17 "Jesus used illustrations to tell the crowds all these things. He did not tell them anything without illustrating it with a story. 35 So what the prophet had said came true: “I will open my mouth to illustrate points. I will tell what has been hidden since the world was made.” - Matthew 13:34-35 - reference: ( www.gcu.edu/blog/spiritual-life/weekly-devotional-one-team-one-family ). In that, by each Testament of the Scriptural texts in natural language, the texts of texts being preserved by the Holy Spirit Formed by God, in that God of Genesis is by the Scriptural texts in natural language, "In the beginning, God Created the heavens and the earth. And the earth was without form and void."- Genesis 1:1 God spoke the Decalogue to everyone at Mt. Horeb, during the Shavuot, of the mountain had been prepared as the Voice of God is Holy. The Hebrew speaking, the Egyptians, the other natural language speakers on the Exodus that had been passed the Passover, each nationality of that historical setting, of each kindred there in that they had languages of ethnicity, and societal trends of educational human behavior expertise engineered - and God only Spoke the reprove them. In this regard, Israel is a Semitic people nation, and in 1922, the historic Two State Solution has since then, Palestinians of that Jordan received of 75% of the historical lands, and over the Jordan River, of Deut. chapter 33, the historical north and south Israel. Gaza had been a good place of compromise in God Granted just peace of needed diplomacy for those Semitic of other Palestinians. The Exodus did not go the way of the Philistines, however God guided another way. Humas a terrorist organization has it it's charter, that they are "Philistines." God Granted true impartial freedom in that God gives confidence before the Throne of God, God Who Created, Heaven and earth, gives the needed counsel of the Good Lord God, ref Psalm 33:11-12, for God's counsel stands forever, each generation, and blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord. Please be informed, the title 'Lord' for the Messiah Jesus is justly peacefully in the Scriptural tests in natural language. Just peace of, from and by God, good today of days.


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