By God, thank God of the gift from God the grace from God, my perspective of, "Dr. Ben Carson's Most Important Speech"

God being only benevolent in the entirety is Eternal God the Spirit of God, the Creator,
 thank God for the freedom of expression, 
and only God has omniscience,
and only God is judging each and everything, by God being right of right in each and everything, and God is being right in regard to each human being person is someone by God gave the blessing of image and likeness of God, thereby, Under the Sovereignty of God directly,
God Granted the Passover and God of each Testament of Scriptural texts in natural language, that is the texts of The Old Testament and the texts of The New Testament, 
is God Who did Send, Name thereof, Jesus of Nazareth,
and God of Scriptural texts of each Testament of The Holy Bible is God having every facet of the light of truth and life, the life-giver is God, the Creator, thank God.

In needed help from God the benevolence of God, the oils of gladness favor rests blessings, thanks be to God, by God in communication, thank you for your consideration;- God has the gift from God, the grace from & by God needed to be received, - in so help me God, in that only God has the it is so, amen is the it is so, & God being right in every regard in right in each and everything, and God did Send the Only begotten Son of God the Son of man, the Messiah, the Christ in current day English natural language of the 1st century Hebrew & Greek, respectfully; Name thereof, Jesus of Nazareth, and God, ref. Psalm 103, has compassion *like* an earthly father, God being called, Father and Righteous Father by Jesus of Nazareth;- Jesus rebuked the force & spirit of pandering by heartstrings & clever honey speech - sweet talk, the devil, by the Scriptures and Deut. 8:3 tells that humanity does not live by bread only, by by every Word from the mouth of God, Jesus did not turn the stone into bread - even in suffering extreme hunger. the bread of life is every Word from the mouth of God, - Jesus did tell, as follows, "Your eye is the lamp of your body. When your eyes are healthy,[a] your whole body also is full of light. But when they are unhealthy, your body also is full of darkness. 35 See to it, then, that the light within you is not darkness. 36 Therefore, if your whole body is full of light, and no part of it dark, it will be just as full of light as when a lamp shines its light on you.” - the Good News according to Luke 11:35-36 Jesus did not enlighten himself, be gradious by the Holy Angels can keep his foot from being dashed on a stone- instead, temporarily lower in station that the Holy Angels, God Leading, Jesus told the opposed to God, the devil, "Jesus responded, “The Scriptures also say, ‘You must not test the Lord your God.’” - Matthew 4:7 God having every facet of truth and life, - God gave the, let there be light in Genesis 1, and God planted the tree of life in Genesis 2 in the Garden of Eden. "The Law and the Prophets were proclaimed until John. Since that time, the gospel of the kingdom of God is being preached, and everyone is forcing his way into it. 17 But it is easier for heaven and earth to pass away than for a single stroke of a pen to drop out of the Law." - Luke 16:16-17 Jesus never bowed down to the opposite of God opposed to God in pandering force of the spirit of heartstrings in clever honey speech sweet talk, in that Eternal God being only benevolent in the entirety, of God has only trustworthiness - - trust-Wor-thiness - reverence of God is Worth-ship, - by God is the Gardian, ref Psalm 103, in God has compassion *like an earthly father, - by God's compassion in trustworthiness, - to love God is to revere God and the trustworthiness of God, - trust God in honestly needed helped by God, - trust *like a child in child-like simplicity, - trust God honestly is by God being only benevolent, - by the gift from God the grace from God, - *received - thus trust God in worthiness, - is to love God is to revere God thus God has Trustworthiness, - Worship is worthy love of God, - in reverence of God by every Word from the mouth of God, "Jesus answered, "The Scriptures say: 'Worship the Lord your God and serve only him!'" ref, Luke 4:8 "For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments. And his commandments are not burdensome." - 1st John 5:3 God gives by Inspiration of the Holy Spirit Formed by God, God had Inspired in the Scriptural texts of The Old Testament, and in the Scriptural texts of The New Testament, In Psalm 118, framed by, thank the Lord, that is the Eternal God, the Creator, for it has simplicity, God has everlasting loving kindness, God is the Guardian of Guardianship being the Eternal Spirit of God, and in Psalm 103, God has compassion *like an earthly father, and Jesus told, be merciful as your Heavenly Father is merciful in Matthew 6. "Jesus used illustrations to tell the crowds all these things. He did not tell them anything without illustrating it with a story. 35 So what the prophet had said came true: “I will open my mouth to illustrate points. I will tell what has been hidden since the world was made.” - Matthew 13:34-35 In God has the everything right, the impartial benevolence of God, thank the Lord, Eternal God Who did Send, Name thereof, Jesus of Nazareth, and God the Guardian had been, for obvious reasons, called, Father and Righteous Father by Jesus of Nazareth, Send by God. God being the only judge, and has compassion *like and earhly father, Psalm 103, the Scriptural texts in Psalm 139, God is knowing each human being person is someone of purpose from far off (either right to every Word from the mouth of God, ref Deut 8:3, *or* unearned suffering duress - of desires in the intention of judgementality of self enlightenment *or* an occurance of defiance of God) - and God knows every word someone speaks, before the person speaks it, and God has the only omniscience and is ever knowing the "inmost being" still reference Psalm 139, - and someone since the foundation of the world needs to breathed the last breath to face the judgement by God and only God forgives sin, and God did Send the Last Discourse of High Priestly prayer, and also ref. Hebrews 4, the has no sin, High Priest, Name thereof, Jesus of Nazareth.). "Jesus used illustrations to tell the crowds all these things. He did not tell them anything without illustrating it with a story. 35 So what the prophet had said came true: “I will open my mouth to illustrate points. I will tell what has been hidden since the world was made.” - Matthew 13:34-35 By the Eternal God being the Creator of Heaven & under the vault of skies there are the seas and the dry lands of earth, the world - of course, the needed help is from God and God only being benevolent, God being the Guardian to Israel and each nation of every historical setting, & by the Helper, the Holy Spirit Formed by God, Who hears from God and leads in all truth from God, so help me God, thank God for the gift from God, the grace from God in that God did Send the has never sinned, High Priest, the Messiah, the Christ, the English diction of the 1st century Hebrew & Greek commonly spoken then, God's only begotten Son of God the Son of man, Jesus of Nazareth, in that, thank God Who Sent Him, in the Name of Jesus of Nazareth. By God has the just peace of and from, by God 🕊, in never held an office, God has the Divine Predistination for me, and I'm not a prophet nor an elder of the people, each requires an office or to have held and office, thank God. Good today of days.


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