by the inherent right of human freedom of thought, of need of law, by perspective on, "Legally Blonde (7/11) Movie CLIP - Impressing Professor Callahan (2001) HD"

[beyond the skies, and the 4 points of honor code impartial of needed of consent is voluntary to discuss something by historically valid in the record, of free to believe, that God is the Biblical  God...

In that correct just peacefulness inner life needed for outer life interaction in the film, did you notice how Vivian Kensington intently listens to the conversation of one party at a time? Some of the dialogue in fair use, @ (,good%20enough%20for%20you%2C%20am%20I%3F), - is as follows, "Warner Huntington III : Pooh-bear, you're not serious enough... Elle : [firmly] Well, I'm serious about this, Warner. Warner Huntington III : No. I mean, I'm sorry but, you're never going to be smart enough for lessons in law. [Elle silently, yet suddenly discovers that Warner doesn't respect her and never will respect her] Elle : I'm never going to be good enough for you, am I?" Obviously, by the end of the film, the typed text on screen shows that, Warner Huntingon III and Vivian Kensington break up, in the reason, I suppose is that, he sometime expressed genuine feelings needed, and sometimes treated her like a "heel." The film is framed by, compassion is needed for the law to be just, right? Compassion is simply devoid as best as possible of "emotionalism." Professor Callahan (Victor Garber), in that had been disclosed, and could plausibly be in a judges champers iron clad non disclosure hush rule in effect, this is has relevant, however, the rule of jurisprudence takes residence, in due process of law. Is the law, as needed by societies supposed to be impartial? Yes, however, law devoid of compassion is not what I think, Aristote had intended, consider he has in history a perspective in philosophy on human passion. "Professor Stromwell : "The law is reason free from passion. Does anyone know who spoke those immortal words?" David : Aristotle." - (online ref, link: ). In college experience, or some other learning venue, like grade or high school, and yes, "home school," of need not be "official" home schooled, as the child has ethical and legal rights to be treated by need to be loved, in beloved need of being lovable, right? Having read the syllabus in college, and the needed book summaries to prepare for the first class, it seems that the professor as an instructor often likes to instill, the reminder of studiousness of that particular subject in the disciplines studied at college, right? Back to home unofficial school, ok? In only recommended prudence, the need to be loved and lovable, is the reason for the boy in "Rocking Horse Winner," - to have occasion to strive to win the race on the rocking horse, - in God given freedom to think, in symbolic ideas of sometimes concrete "spirit" of the joys of life in voluntary hellos, and the so longs for now, by sorrowful, yet, greeting voluntarily again, there is rejoicefulness, in that greeting again. In this voluntary typed text of inherent freedom of discernment of though, there is a historical validity, of need of impartiality in freedom to express, by inherent human rights, freedom, dignity and self-worth, right? How does beyond the human condition stack up, in that their have been theories, of how humanity developed higher reasoning consciousness, in needed conscientiousness of need of a conscience, - that does have a correlation to how did the skies, 24/7 get there? The historical record does show, the night skies as the view of the lights in the skies, and considered the "universe." In the idiomatic, never superstition of no rhyme or reason, how come, Shakespeare penned, "star crossed lovers," in regard to Romeo and Juliet in a tragedy. Ok, granted that is obvious, the 1968 version had a song, "What is a Youth," link with lyrics as follows, This relates to living life on journey, then each of us has a last breath of life, into the great beyond. The song is sung by the Byrds, it is called, "Turn! Turn! Turn!" and the link is as follows, ( ), and the description is as follows, "3,523,335 views Sep 18, 2012 "For educational purposes only and no copyright infringement intended. "About the song: "Turn! Turn! Turn! (to Everything There Is a Season)", often abbreviated to "Turn! Turn! Turn!", is a song adapted entirely from the Book of Ecclesiastes in the Bible (with the exception of the last line) and put to music by Pete Seeger in 1959." Did you ever hear the folk song, that has both, teach the children well and teach the parents well, by Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young? It is called, "Teach the Children Well."


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