For God's Impartial God's Goodness Sake God's Peace;- please consider...


In the course of humanity, the disciplines, fields, and venues of society miss many, such as honorable John Cardinal O'Connor, a former Read Admiral Chaplain; and we remember honorable Whitney Singer Houston in U.S.O fashion quite in integrity honesty testimonial sing 'with' the Armed Forces of these United States of America.  (um, smile, I happen to have brown eyes, only had the Grace of being in Security observe & report, not actually in the Armed Forces);- so, The Devout Gentleman Stewards with, in separate yet complimentary Roles, Devout Lady Stewards of The Armed Forces truly enjoyed the likes of Bob Hope, Ann Margaret & others.  James Cagney (a Yankee Doodle Dandy) & Ingrid Bergman were (actors, players, thespians) in the performing arts such as dance in inspirational dramas which helped us all. 


Some references of actual events. (Not very extensive, it would take an encyclopedia God Knows how Large.)

* Bob Hope Christmas Show - USS Ranger 1967 - 

* Whitney houston - Welcome Home Heroes Concert (1991) -

* (note: to cinema, film, motion picture from a screen play drama) "War and Peace," post reference 'CC Oct 6, 2012' -


John 'Duke' Wayne (true grit), Gregory Peck, Mel Gaston Ferrer with Audrey 'Rose' Ferrer starred in "War and Peace," and as anyone knows, Sean "Gentleman" Ferrer & Luca "Gentleman" Dotti credits to the Holy Matrimonial Family, with the heart-touching heartaches, heartbreaks humanity has been heir to experience in this Divinely Given Living Epochs of Epochs of Epochs True Story.

We each know that the Protection, Providing, in Proper-fortitude of God's Sent Children is the highest responsibility we have, since we each came into the world the same way.  Humanity has failed to find the solution in and of humanity ourselves alone humanity.  

God Alone by Grace Sends a Thankful Participation in CHRIST (The Anointing of The One Holy Bible), so that for every Child, Husband with Wife, we each receive a particular unique tailored gentleman or lady, in this regard, "way, truth, & life."  As we know, in all of history, Truth, Goodness, & Beauty Has Always Been Eternal.   We each always desire, A Sense of The Sacred, Common Decency, and Impartial Morality for Children, Youth, & Impressionable and everyone else, of course.  In these above conveyed available Impartial Facets of Truth, we in these United States of America Nations among the other Nations, "We The Nations," (careful of a globalist oligarchy of groups whereby that much centralized power corrupts absolutely), have Holy Instruments of God Given Life is Sacred, Freedom, & Bravery;- The Declaration of Independence, The Preamble of The Constitution of these United States of America, and Bill Of Rights contained therein.

Jesus The Christ who began the One True Church, (the gates of the netherworld will not prevail), always The Only Divine Mediator between God and humanity - has Many Diadems (Crowns, Offices, Titles) - as Priest, Prophet, & King of kings Lord of Lords, Judge Reconciler Savior Always Send's God's Impartial Peace to each of us.  The Tares look like Wheat are different that the Wheat on Earth as The Holy Bible Impartially Shows.

additional references, as posted similarly before. 
note: These type of Impartial Giving in Generosity charities give so much directly to those in need. Low administrative overhead.  So exuberant to see Children and others need to help them receiving this wonderful sharing time, talent, & treasure help. 
("We are an effective means of reaching hurting people in countries around the world with food, medicine, and other assistance in the Name of Jesus Christ.") - 
(Paul & JoAnn Woodward-Newman with family, friends, acquaintances, alongside neighbors using an idea from Christmas presents as finely packaged salad dressings; finding expertise formed a business which raised huge amounts of money.  Of course, fund raising to help as many of God's Wonderful Children in need of many humanity's helps goes on.) 
"Whitney Houston believed in using her success to help those less fortunate, and she did much of her humanitarian work out of the spotlight, visiting children in hospitals, sending personal notes to the charities that she helped, and organizing Christmas parties for homeless [God's Sent to Earth] children. She supported many charitable organizations, some of which are listed below."


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