Under God, thanks to God, perspective of, "VOICES OF HISTORY PRESENTS - Mitchell Young, U.S.M.C., Vietnam, PTSD, Th..."

*note, One Eternal Lord Is, Being The Creator, ref, Genesis 1:1
"In the beginning God Created.." and God Ever Knowing God's Impartiality
of God's Perspective of God's Voice of each and every Scriptural text,
of the texts of Scriptures contained in The Holy Bible,
and God Having the Spirit of Truth from God, 
ref Psalms, God is sole judge of each individual, period, thankfully so.
The Good News proclaimed is part of God's Impartial ONLY God Is Judge,
it is never for shaming or judgmental, God Is Sole Judge of prudence.
Psalm 139 is a good place to let God be God, and know only God ever knowing,
one's own purpose and intentions, just peace from God.
Good today of days of only God is Eternal Creator,
and God has done this, thankfully, "This is the day that the Lord has made and I shall rejoice and be glad in it." - ref Psalm 118:24, God Knowing Everything planned, plans and planning,
until my last breath, under God Is Having Purview of Creator Granted rights and dignity.
God Is Leader, there is One Good God, The Lord of hosts.
Good today of days, as the sun rises some place 24/7, under the skies, Heaven over the skies, day and night, of there are seas and dryland, earth, called the world.
Plants or vegetables and animals, beasts are never sentient, simplistic truth.
Ref Psalm 8, for one. Angels never oppress passively or overtly of course, and are never haughty in the least, ever;- Angels are sons and daughters of God, and humanity is slightly lower than the Angels.
So, reverently, did you ever thankfully hear, "The Logical Song?"
Relevant, I think. Yes, its true, Jesus Messiah the beloved Christ Jesus High Priest in Heaven,
prays for humanity, ref Hebrews 4, God Having God's Seal upon, He, JESUS of Him coming sinless, and remained sinless, only God Merits by taking every bit of unearned suffering,
God received His, JESUS' stripes, and God is Healer.
Truth of Scriptural texts, some debate "Raphael," name of reverent purpose, who is like God who heals?
Isn't a God Granted Providential circumstance one of Jesus Messiah The Christ's titles is, The Good Doctor?
Michael the Archangel, has the reverent purpose name, who is like unto God?
Gabriel the Archangel, has the reverent purpose name, who announces God like God? 
Personally, not a fight! I think by Inspiration of The Holy Spirit's Companionship, The Helper from God, not a Scriptural scholar, so not being called rabbi or teacher, and gift of God's favor of oils of gladness gratitude blessings, ref Luke 2:14, public figures are some Biblical scholars, they are in their own personal each of their one's own life and responsibility;;-
in Hebrews the kingdom of God is at hand is called the unshakable kingdom, 
and the God's cloud of God manifest Glory of God rested on the Mt of Transfiguration.
There was God, The Spirit of God in over the heavens, The One Good Lord of hosts,
there was, The Voice of God, and The Spirit of Truth from God, 
in Hebrew the one Eternal Y-H-V-H by English diction but three by God's Own Power,
below the skies, God having given manifest Glory of God, in Greek this is termed theophany or theophanies.  Jesus at The Last Discourse, told, the Father is greater than I, and to be glad in thankfulness.  In John 1, The Good News of exceedingly great joy, God's light by title, Jesus the long expected Messiah to northern Israel, in Greek, Jesus The Christ of God, and it fulfill for the last time, because Jesus is the Prophet of succession of prophets before and since, that Moses married to Zipporah spoke of. So, effectively, three of God's manifest Glory of God happened, The Voice of God from The Cloud of God needing the Spirit of Truth from God, 
so, Jesus standing with Moses and Elijah(Eliyu I think is the Hebrew spelling,)
because of the *climate of unearned suffering, young John, Simon-Peter and James were "sore afraid,"
then, upon seeing the Face of God.  The Seal of God upon Messiah Jesus, who told, each is taught by God, in The Gospel of John, thereby;- 
the title of The Good Teacher is given Jesus The Christ of honorable myriad of crowns, (diadems.),
and please, it is easy to do, to think "poor" Jesus, don't worry God Ever Having Jesus' back.
That is never to claim some light and transient living and breathing using semantics regarding Jesus tells, only God is good, for example, thankfully so.  Thank you for your time in this public offering.

God is ever victorious, and only God helps, God gives everything, so, by God granted gratitude, thank you, "Semper Fi" forever faithful Under God, Mitchel Young, U.S.M.C., Veteran of foreign wars, (other lands wars, not domestic), thank you for not only being politically correct, for being human, one, man of homeland and ever vigilant security, of just peace keeping efforts. Ref. besides The Holy Bible, God knowing everything, I personally believe, the three charters of freedom, The Declaration of Independence, The Preamble and Bill of Rights, of 1776-1791, through the 1800s, 1900s, and 2000s, the flag is still there! God Granted, that is Creator Granted rights and dignity for lifelong sojourn, stay tough as nails, ice water in your veins, and hey, dust or pollen happens, ok? Just peace from God. (J)ustice (e)ndeavored (s)urety (u)nderstood (s)ure. And Godliness is Christ-like and God is sole judge, thank God! And health rolling calendar year the 4 seasons. ⚓🏕🕊🚪, only God Merits and Preserves the New and Everlasting Covenant of having the Door of Hope.🌧❄🕯⛲🔥🎄


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