We each need, Creator Sent Impartiality. One offered comment regarding living and passed on Testimonial Journey Lives.


In Creator Sent Impartiality the following two comments were in Trustworthy trust of sharing,
available at the two links as follows below.  What was the common thread?  The Creator Sent Impartiality of The Ferrer Family concern for Creator Sent Children. 

Mel Ferrer's first movie Lost Boundaries (1949 u Movie)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1u-YnihAzf0&lc=UgxQoI5d0hQSQz7tc3N4AaABAg ).

(Sean Hepburn Ferrer Interview for Audrey: More Than An Icon

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aG8r_EseP7w&lc=UgxymHCoEu0hV_Y0myZ4AaABAg ).


This movie does reach deep into the human condition, shows that some folk are just plain racist, but this is not true one ethnic group among the Nations, of every Kindred, and Language in the world. in The One TRUE Creator's Total Impartial True Peace and Harmony sent deep into the revered Spiritual Heart Soul & Bodily Entire Irrevocable Total Literal Fiber Of Being, deep within the heart of heart each of our hearts, deepest regards for Creator Impartial Sent Surfaced Harmonious, non cajoling injustice, of course, Resolute For Creator Sent Impartial Resolute Justice Creator Sent Impartial Peaceful State Of Humankind Personal Well Being be with each of us. Of course, each of us knows this True Complete Peace is far beyond only each of our only human abilities in intelligent sensibilities which each need to be replenished by The ONE TRUE CREATOR of each one of us. ~ When particular injustices happen, yes, in only entirely completely deep restrained peaceful means of jurisprudence discovery of impartial evidence and testimony in due process of law, and any addressing grievances. In the experience I've had in a long life, besides the testimony of so many folk over decades the improved attitudes and resulting in place equality laws there is an immense dichotomy from the 100 years of gradualism from 1860s until the 1960s. For 57 years since the "I Have A Dream," speech by Rev. Martin L. King, jr and huge event at the Mall in Washington D. C. the dreams of the abolitionists of every color, by soul force of Godliness have not only put in place legal safeguards, but in public places like schools the prevailing attitude is equality, and discern by content of legal abiding non violent character. ~ Caution is the better part of valor, so carefully looking at history, shows when there are injustices used to foster a huge charged response for justice their is often a social engineering agenda behind this. When children are routinely considered expendable, treated in the most horrible ways, including an only human based laws and practices mass murder, instead of preventing murder along side efforts to help by showing and being a liason to many providing the already in place, many many many individuals from families providing all the help a family needs for the Creator Sent Children, deep from the heart. We each were Created and came into the world the same way. None of us like when autonomy is used to harm each of us. The GOD Granted Dignity of each Creator Sent Child never gets lost, and GOD Is Compassionate In Justice(each humankind Being person, starting as a child receives just due in total compassion) Embraced With GOD's Impartial Peace. ~ Thank GOD, that more and more folk are helping one another wake up to the agenda of the literal social engineers who of each of their own accord use honey speech playing at the heartstrings of folk knowing the ideas of Creator Sent Into Creation Each Child Receives The Creator Sent Rights Which Are Everlasting, Creator Granted Rights, Self Evident Rights, by The Creator's Sent Eternal Constant TRUTH For Each Of The Created it is not ethical in influence against the Creator Granted Rights Of Creator Sent to families Creator Sent Children. Simply true.


  1. yf777a
    4 minutes ago
    In Creator Total Sent Into Creation Compassion Justly Peace Rejoicing deep heartfelt well wished each of us, of course, need.
    Thank you, the love for children who can be in their vulnerability impels my heart to love folk that give all they can for children. Just as many, yes, I do love the regal yet so down to earth sincerity, taking mercy combined with a strong sense of justice, each child and everyone getting Creator GOD Granted Dignity just due, which Lady Audrey Hepburn personified with elegance. My heart simply leaps at one picture of her. Do I think she is bigger than life, no way, but The LORD takes good care of her now.
    Since Robert Wolders remarried anyway, personally I think in the places in Heaven, Gentleman Mr. Mel Ferrer is reunited and reconciles with Lady Ms. Audrey Hepburn.
    It seems sad to me that Mel Ferrer who loved children with all he had in his way doesn't get some mention in that regard in these documentaries. He was a God father, besides a father. Yes, I love the family pictures that the Ferrer family did not have to release that depicts him along with Audrey Hepburn Ferrer. He wrote a children's book called "_Toto's Hat_," published around 1940.
    Sometimes, thank GOD! The work of a thespian shows his or her deepest hearts impartially. For example, Mel Ferrer's work in "Lost Boundaries," 1949. Just happened by Divinely Sent Providence to have made a comment on a Youtube posting of that film, thank GOD for each of our only one human being individuals with Creator Sent Dignity ability to contribute in GOD's Own Purview each flowing passing second each Day The The LORD Hath Made, yes mourn with Creator Sent Hope, but Rejoice And Be Glad In The Day.
    Since, sometimes I blog and vblog comments, in this case i do plan to do so, however, until that literal happens;- it is completely impartial and publically available described as follows.
    It seems a little complicated, but the honest safeguards against harassment have been used just to censor Creator Sent Impartiality, by the in place, which gradually as in happened, propaganda which the world swims within vastly denying some basic Creator Sent Rights.
    The url link, there should be the ability to scroll down to this link which by common gateway interface and internet url programming, to "Highlighted comment," however these, no matter how impartial and by Creator Sent Peace peaceful many times are sensored, so the link to the comment by Joseph Paul Cimino, me, which can be found by scrolling down to "Highlighted comment," is as follows: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1u-YnihAzf0&lc=UgxQoI5d0hQSQz7tc3N4AaABAg, whereas, sometimes comments are rendered invisible. (*note if the impartial totally peaceful comment is not censored by "Marks Shower," url link to "Marks Shower," is as follows: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkh17dcSqW3zCrDEZCxXJ9g )


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