By God's Sent Living Grace, Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward on their marriage

By God Is The Only Trustworthy And True One.

Good afternoon, how are you this day like other days, 24/7, this is the day that The Lord Hath Made to rejoice and be glad in it, ref. Psalm 118, for oil of gladness peace surpassing only human understanding;- Cool the justly desired Hole - (personal nickname affectionate Hol-e) In The Wall Gang summer camps for children in need of a huge number of learned hands on professionals, for each of the kids are very challenged in some fashion, in need of help by those who can do the literal, again, hands-on directly with the giving children of their innocence, i.e. one boy, possibly not knowing the fame of Paul Newman, said to him on founder's day, Mr. Newman, if it weren't for this place (the first is located in Connecticut), the very cool boy, expressing thankfulness that only God can provide to each of us by Grace, - Mr. Newman, if it were not for this place, I do not know where I could go. Mr. Newman replied powerful stuff with a deep religious conviction and Godly emotion. Each of us uses words in inherent poetic expressions, of the idiomatic phrases, hope springs eternal, Mr. Newman is no exception. He helped as how he did there, seemingly going to reflect on 'down' times, but that is only one of his testimonies. It had been a joy for him to know, by truth is eternal and eternal is truth, that by Grace, he could help. Apart from God's Sent Living Grace, each of us cannot possibly merit, for it is an oxymoron to claim that one Created entirety of humankind Being an individual person, who is finite, can be giving without help from God. The simplicity of inherent truth had been, is, being forever truth is eternal, and eternal is truth. whereas, history shows, progressive repeating times of building up by scientific excellence in mathematics, and architecture;- of course, the irrigation of farming, such as staples like corn, or blueberry fields or orchards and such;- and repetitive training techniques humanely treating animals to pull plowshares, such as oxen. There were sheep, goats, camels, and elephants, personally never heart of a hippo being operantly conditioned to be a family farm animal. Recently in Africa, gazelle-like animals looking like cattle in pictures visible over the 'internet' only 'pages' at the time, - in my view in surfing the discerned prudent times of offerings in thankfulness shared in Created humankind. Who Created Creation? Each of us was Created, that is a fact in the entirety of truth. Recently this self-evident of truth conceptually ever had to be so, investigative scientists using progressive cosmological holistic measurements, had the blessing of the opportunity to discover an event horizon at the edge of Creation in every direction from the spherical earth. Ubiquitous in every part of history immemorial, folk by inherent truth lamp, know there is one and only one God, whereby, after times of drifting into short or long societal trends;- (by each individual entirety of fiber of Being humankind person, gentleman or gentlewoman;- of course, children, too;- have inherent deep heartfelt need to be loved, accepted in trustworthy in the entirety of truth needed, of course;- (true is true, false is false, there can be nothing truer than true, but the sense of reverence comparative facets of the entirety of truth, using the phrase, "truer than true," because true is true is true, only true.);- Each of us knows as one individual humankind entirety of fiber of Being, each of us was Created. Since each of us resides inside of Creation, and harm in history occurred, because of times of need each responsible for one's own self's decisions;- the inherent need to be loved and accepted in a trustworthy true sense of belonging, periods of places, times, whereabouts among the areas of nations, of every kindred, inclusive every language, and ethnicity, almost imperceptible as it begins, then each sometimes week, month, year, years growing to a decade, then the same thing for decades, sometimes, a drift into fallible humankind's ideas of what is true, forming a differing sense of the inherent need of being loved and accepted the deep need of belonging in companionship with others;- a huge differences of conformity apart from justice for each and every one in peaceful gladness;- thus variable senses of an absence of conflict sensibilities in emotions & thought patterns, from passivity to open voicing sometimes to one's own self obscured abrasive inner conflict of predisposed inclinations of intent to ignore or exclude or be against others, in discerning prudence of sharing impartiality of entirety of the original inherent had to be truth lamps the justice flowing like pure water embracing peace for the joyous confidence inherent deep inside for the entirety of fiber of humankind Being, yet the others imposing influence of plausibly and literally used by other to form a duress over a person unearned suffering;- certainly is *not* justly treating one other or others or one group or groups of honorable impartiality in the entirety of inherent had been true before Creation began. Okay, Who Is God's Own God? One relational, is that my honorable in inherent needs be truth is from eternity lamps trustworthy only in the entirety of imperiality by truth is eternal, then goodness has been, is, being forever eternal;- my Spirit is larger than my bodily entirety of fiber of humankind Being, individual one devout gentleman steward, birth certified surname, Latino, "Cimino,";- so while I'm finite, by literal and conceptually, The One True Eternal Entirety Of Benevolence The True One God Has Immoral Living Eternal Divine Eternal Entirety Of Immortal Inexhaustible Unending Holy Spirit Of God The One True Eternal Lord God. Since harmful influence cannot come from God, that is an oxymoron, what The One True Holy Bible refers to as '...the darkness on the face of the deep...' is because each of has free-willed decisions, whereby, God Is Entirety Of God's Impartiality Of Entirety Of God's Own Goodness Sent Into Creation In Eternal Conceptual Living True Lamps Justice Flowing Like Pure Water Embracing Peace Joyous Confidence far surpassing only Created humankind understanding, thus, God Gave Every Entirety Of Sufficient Benevolent God's Own Sent Into Creation Compassion to decide on the impartiality of God's Sent Impartial Goodness to each and every one, yesterday, now, is doing so forever. The One True Holy Bible speaks in the truth of a lucid, yet there tangible place called, 'the pit,' where by as opposed to '...the land of the living...' ref. Psalm 27 for one, the [land of the lived or dead] are, animated as if they are living;- whereby, each individual entirety of fiber of humankind Being individual adult, gentleman or gentlewoman, (of course, zero children there);- each person *there*, is *holistically* harmless benign innocuous, in a self-imposed state of, of course, inherent God Granted Desired Goodness, but refused the God Meriting Divinely Granted Favor, Grace oil of gladness living waters of the compassionate ' of the living..' ref. Psalm 27, again, ever-present *here* kingdom of Heaven is at hand. However, those of us by God's Own Meriting Divinely Granted Favor, Grace sent in portioned out to be in *union* to the inherent entirety of by truth is conceptually in literal Creation Created each individual one person entirety of fiber of humankind Being, each of the gender, gentleman(male) man or co stewardship in Created humankind diametrically different gender gentlewoman(female) lady;- thus the semantic everlasting is not eternal even if that phraseology is used, since each of us is Created. Thus God Is Only Good, Good Only Is God, Only God Is Good, God Sends Entirety Of The Eternal Truth Of Impartiality Of Goodness, God Shall Save, thus the Holy Scriptures In The Holy Bible Tests, call the returned in Glory, God Shall Save Creating in this valley of decision joy & sorrow manifest compassion everything new or renewed The New Creation. So, in the essence of truth is truth being eternal, God Has Not yet finished Creation. Thus, J E S U S, before the first century is by The One True Holy Bible Defined As God Shall Save. Jesus The Sole Not Created Begotten Divine Son Of God In The Form Of One Gentleman, is called, The Word Of God, God's Sent Light into the world, darkness has not extinguished the Light, ever;- Prince Of Peace, even though The Eternal God Creator Lord Benevolent Self Sufficient (IAM WHO IAM, IAM NAME THEREOF, IAM) Is King of Creation, Sovereign, Jesus Told each of us, God The Father of the fatherless is Greater than Him and Greater than all, thus, Jesus The True Prophet Messiah Beloved Anointed One(The Christ) told He came to testify to the truth, of course, Eternal is Truth, and Truth is Eternal Lamps God's Sent God Meriting Divinely Granted Favor, Grace of God's Gift Of True Compassion, so, each need to be trustworthy in Eternal truth, for trust requires trustworthiness, not gossip down the lane, or anything of the false sort, of course, simplicity in Truth;- so The Holy Bible has Joseph in Egypt, and Susanna in Daniel, only by literal trial, of face to face literal, not ulterior design, on God Granted Sojourn Dignity, each found innocent of false gossip charges. God Is The Sole Judge In Purview Of The Entirety Of Creation visible & invisible parts, of each individual person each one an entirety of fiber of humankind Being, continuing in God's Own Goodness Impartiality God Sees The Heart of each gent or lady, God Has No Other Counselor, God Is The Sole Giver Of Living Peace oil of gladness joyous confidence in the entirety of fiber of humankind Being, into God's Own Set Part Dwelling Established from the foundation of the world, Mount Of God's Creating Own Hands Inheritance Sanctuary Hereafter complete entirety of harmonious fiber of humankind Being. By God's Sending God's Own Compassionate Blessings Of Peace, God's sent in God's Own Thankfulness Sent for deep caring wishes to you and your loved ones, good evening.


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