By God! The blessing of caring thankfully, by Inspiration of The Holy Spirit, "waiting on my airplane to come… prep is underway for something VERY exci..."

In The Holy Name Of God Spirit Of God, Eternal The One True Good Lord God, Is Lord, The Lord Of Hosts,
and The Holy Name Of God's By God The Father Sending The Only Begotten Son Of God, Jesus The Christ Priest 
Faithful & True Of God and The Promised By, Of The Father Of Jesus The True Messiah To The Nations,
The Spirit Of Truth, The Holy Spirit Of God, Comforter,
by Peace Only God Provides,
Of social media neighbor concern, @EddieCibrian and @SoulOfEverLe, LeAnn Rimes Cibrian,
of course, her professional name established, decades ago, is LeAnn Rimes, cool.
In the 60's and 70's, decades ago, the collectivist ideologies of the 1800s led to great intensified occasion of children and family's unearned suffering. Of course, marital status is needed, thankfully to be known.  The school teachers take, on Mr. or Miss( or Mrs, depending on the honorable use of professional name), thereby, of course, marital status of each is known by everyone, started to be expressed, Mr and Ms, and that could start a brush fire of semantics, no need to contact me, this is just one perspective by Inspiration of The Holy Spirit, by God! I do not have prudent honorable work, or discretionary time to by, round tables of semantics discussion at all, and it is my God's Granted lifelong dignity to preempt that, considering the history involved, and my own rights from Creator included.


"Just trying to be 🕊cool, oh!;- silly me, you did not say, the ATL, yes, Atlanta, GA, just trying to be cool, thankfully,
by honorable fun of joy of life, so glad you "called" me on that. 😂
Hey, guess what? It is odd, I thought that concert, 2016? April, 4th month common calendar had been in Baltimore, MD.  Oh, did you not get the note that I did not send, a tall tale of a true recount, 
no, not a boxing match, lol;-
recontour of anecdotal true or prose of story telling(fiction).  I do like fact checking intensive research, however, since, judge not lest ye be judged is true, proclaiming The Good News in and of itself is never judgmental. 
No kidding, of course, simplistic truth, and everyone knows that JESUS of The Holy Bible, who loves the little children, tells, be *like* a child, 
adulthood simplicity, to trust only God The Creator, of course, and the kingdom of God is at hand.
The song is cool, -  Jesus Loves the little children, Red & Yellow, Black & White, all the children of the world.
So is, "What Color Is God's Skin?," by Up With People, however, since "ebony & ivory" side by side on "my" piano keyboard, together in perfect harmony, we can't we, from a song sung by, Paul McCartney & Stevie Wonder.
And, of course, from the 60's last century, a child is black, a child is white, together they learn to read & write, a beautiful sight.  Just true, and face it, heart touching in each one's own self responsible to, God Never Elicits being afraid of God, thereby, trusting God is trusting God Knowing Best, of course.
Who is God?  Since there is one and only one, true Eternal God, and myself being a resolute true believer that God's Only Begotten Son, Jesus The Beloved Christ Of God is true;-
reference, "In the beginning God...," of Genesis, ubiquitously known, and is "the Spirit Of God", The Good Lord, so, the children are precious in The Good Lord's Sight. Okay, @EddieCibrian & @SoulOfEverLe?  Since 2007, this journey of mine, given by only God, sometimes in providential happenstance, their have been crossroads of the two of you,
by God's Promised Spirit Of Truth, The Other Helper, Comforter, The Holy Spirit, discernment. Cool?
Yes, personally, hoping y'all, ref Tampa as a kid, yes, not a "Cimino," however, honorable "grandpa," Julio Pelaez did introduce me to, "y'all."  Life is short and life is long, can you relate, you know?
Oh, just one more thing, um, not "'Columbo," thereby, you are both interesting folk, one a thespian, and singer, shhhh, a county and [western has dropped off, for some reason, lol], that is Eddie, the band, ie, "In addition to acting, he sang in the soul-pop boy band 3Deep from 1998 to 2001, ... and real-life best friend Joshua Morrow and Canadian singer CJ Huyer," from Wikipedia and "4 Bellino, Damian (July 17, 2014). "Throwback To Eddie Cibrian's Boy Band Days". Vh1 Blog. Retrieved July 18, 2014.";- from the bibliography of that article, "Eddie Cibrian
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Edward Carl Cibrian (/ˈsɪbriən/ SIB-ree-ən; born June 16, 1973)[1] is an American actor.";-
online source reference link, ( ).
Yikes! Oh, just kidding, but his role in the ensemble, in "Invasion," 2005-2006, one day I just happened to see a citation, mistook it for, "Invasion Of The Body Snatchers," lol, kind of, that is a long story, however,
"Later, Sirk gets his first look at one of the orange, luminescent beings in the water.:;- scary stuff.  Of course truth is stranger than fiction, art imitates life, but that is a very long story.  Hoping, though God did not make me, Joseph a Biblical scholar, however, it God's Own Plan for me, some increased intensive understanding by Inspiration of The Holy Spirit happened in recent years.  Did you ever read, besides, "Be still and know," from,
 "He says, “Be still, and know that I am God;
    I will be exalted among the nations,
    I will be exalted in the earth.” - Psalm 40:10, loved the Thanksgiving like, cantor, of " Nov 19, 2020
Provided to YouTube by The Orchard Enterprises," thereby the cadence of harmonious "chant" can be, like this one is, just like a cantor does, of two lampstands, two olive trees, at home, or a house of prayer, like a congregational church building of God's one true, Church.   ( ).
Yes, had someone right here in the community I live, be in touch by social media over the years, 
and each of us, one's own self did not know, it could be like a miracle of logistical happenstance because that is how life is.  And each of us are, of course, just not personal friends, no kidding, lol.
In 2007, I did submit, lyrics of belief in Jesus Christ, having thought, "whatIcannotchange(dot)com" was an internet site of its own.  The lyrics Inspired by The Holy Spirit are dear to me.  Over the years i've worked on the, like, "Lord," it is a title, too, "Jesus Christ wakes me up," because he promised never to leave me an orphan.
Or Eddie or LeAnn, of course, by The Spirit Of Truth, The Promised Other Helper, Comforter, The Holy Spirit of The One True God, Who having God's Voice, therefore, God's Word, unlike the grasses & flowers that fade, The Word Of God Belonging Only To God, From God's Eternal Perspective, ref Book of Isaiah 40:8. Each of us knowing, of course, not just "inherently," but by God's needed help, thereby, 
being one believer, following God by God's Divine Power & Might through Jesus Christ and his Testimony of he is Priest Faithful & True Of God, thereby, God's Word, ref Isaiah 55, HOLY Lord Of hosts, God's Ways are so superior to humanity's ways, as the skies, self evident in history, thereby, God's Own Word does not return to God, by The Spirit Of Truth, and it is true, God's Cloud rested on The Ark of The Covenant, and Mt of Transfiguration, God's Voice tells, this is my beloved, only begotten Son hear him!, and Jesus consoled the "inner circle," of James, Simon-Peter, and John, immediately subsequent to that.  Simon-Peter in unearned suffer challenged God to equate Moses and Elijah, (Eliohu), just like, Jesus had been by unearned suffering challenged by the blessed virgin Mary, regarding out of wine at the wedding at Cana.  Some mistake that for she told him or informed him, Jesus, only The Spirit Of Truth Of God informed he, Jesus The Beloved Christ Of God, who told her, what does that have to do with us. Rote understanding by year of decades and decades of years can be left over from another historical setting, like some regarding these Biblical historical events. God Never,
 needs help for God To Be God, The Spirt Of Truth, The Promised Other Helper, The Holy Spirit Is not only Comforter, however, Interpreter, Counselor and Interpreter of God's Word in the one true, The Holy Bible, and is over The Holy Guardian Angel, of course, simplistic truth.
In the Book of Daniel, like the tower of Babel, not existing for thousands of years, Goshen Egypt, had not only Hebrew speaking, Israelites, but other Semitic families, thereby, God's Powerful Right Hand, led them through the Exodus of the Passover in The Holy Bible.  In Isaiah 9, joys and sorrows of normal oil of gladness honorable ethics of work, livelihood, thereby, Jesus Christ spoke, also, of, a time of distress that has never been since that time, from the foundation of the world, - the fall from God's Favor, the Biblical Garden of Eden, is at the foundation of the world.
In Revelation, of the end, do not add or take away, from "The Revelation of Jesus Christ," the last Book of the one true, The Holy Bible, so akin is testimony honorable down to earth folk witnessing, the word, "prophet," of course, the root word of prophesy, of signs of the times, not some statistical design predictive fortune-telling,
 regards literal public figures of house of prayer venues and civic, thereby, "“You must not do that! I am a fellow servant with you and your brothers who hold to the testimony of Jesus. Worship God.” For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy."  - from Book of Revelation 19:10.
In the Book of Daniel, God tells of  increase of knowledge, that could "puff up," like "exalt" knowing self-hood of humanity, thus believing, that is thinking committee communal, trying to be thankful, counsels of using semantic(s) round tables of discussions, and reason of humanity, "social" populist or power in numbers of every facet of society, democratic workers globalist structured oligarchical oversight. one of the body of believers, God's Own Divine Power. Yikes, in this historical setting a huge open and closed societal tower of Babel, like big brothers & sisters or cousins, of stewards of so called use of semantics "protection, "1984," style, lieutenants & generals and "god fathers," & "god mothers," and hey, its not necessarily a favor, forget about it, yikes, the immense pervasive unearned suffering could be so huge!  The Spirit Of Truth, God as Father, to God's Only Begotten Son Of God, Jesus The Beloved Christ Of God, has, Divine Power & Might, Inexhaustible Eternal Immortal Living, as it had been, is, forever being so, and ie, in Deut. 32, God Raises God's Own Hand to God's "In the beginning God.." reference point for humanity inside Creation, To God's Own Heaven Eternal.
Good today of days, week of weeks, flowing until last breath of God's Granted lifelong breathing dignity from God.
Each place, 24/7, the sun rises, traverses until noon, then until dusk, then there is evening-tide, and each place, is the sometimes moon of phrases in the skies, until dawn of a new day. Borrow by reverent, partly poetry, of Psalm 19.
God's Own Blessings, thankfully so, of God's Impartial Gifts of Blessings of Justice of Compassion Peace, far beyond human understanding.  "


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