
Showing posts from May, 2023

by God! thanks be to God, for the help of God, one offered perspective on, "The Book of Acts"

"In the beginning God Created.." - ref Genesis 1:1 By the historical, in the Scriptural texts of The Holy Bible, (*note this being by human need of freedom of expression by rights from the Creator, ~ thereby, in Exodus 20:15, God's Word being impartial only from God's Eternal Impartial Point of View, "thou shalt not steal," ever being relevant, by God's having stooped, ref, some of the Scriptural texts of The Holy Bible, that is, the One Good Lord of hosts, stoops down from beyond the skies, stars during the day or night, ref Psalm 139, God ever has, does and forever knowing someone's purpose from far off, during sojourn of daily journey 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, thus God Giving good intentions from God's ever continued, continues, continuing Impartial Purview Sight of The Lord, by the needed help from God, thankful to God, blessings from God in favor by God's impartial gift of grace, of course, simplistic truth, be honest in trustin

by the Creator Eternal God's help, thank God, personal perspective on, "Gilligan's Island Cast on Tom Snyder 1993"

ref, Creator by, Genesis 1:1, "In the beginning God Created.." The good interactions of suddenly, the hopeful joyous trip, by thankful participation in relating here under rights to the crew of "Gilligan's Island." "wish you were here," type of sorrow, of course, everyone cannot fit on the "Minnow," or the "Big Whale," no pun intended holistically or otherwise semantically metaphorically, or is it, simile? - speaking. Can I slang the grammar police myself? Oh, thank you, that is relief from a three-hour tour and three-hour tour, eh, um, oh, do you have room on that island? The Professor's Island, of course. Did the so-called, yes, down-to-earth, "movie star" break a hang-nail by using her nail clippers? The dump, or is it not politically only correct stupid debate, not in entirety stupid, Mary-Ann, or Ginger, they had been friends, thereby;- use of semantics could be a blessing, but face it, they each had been in tra