by God, so help me, God Eternal, the Creator, thank God for perspective of "Kate Bosworth Reacts to Drew Barrymore's Dance Moves at the Club | The D..."

Ok? Long time for you? Drew? How are you? I do like to check in from occasional show to this or that show, because... The real thing is, that in life a Drew, oh, one Drew Blythe Barrymore being unique in the image and likeness of God, is Drew, ok? Banana-more? oooh, Miss Mitzi or is it Mitzy Bannamore? Oh, how's the guest, Kate Bosworth? A real thespian story teller, right? True Drew? yes. Very sorry to drop in uninvited, but I'm not a "heckler" in each regard, and I'm not at the taping. Hey, how's a production, having prepared one's own self, this is 2022 into 2023, a full calendar, so, it had never been informal, however, I do like the SNL optional seating arrangements, ok? It helps have formal relaxing in the tense, up to date production schedule of how numerous of details? Don't ask me, because you know, and I'm not there, lol 😅but seriously, it could help, and you told on yourself, not the little girl on SNL, however early on, the first pre-launch, of "The Drew Barrymore Show." So, need of the "sacred" common decency is a given, and job requirement, right, Drew? Please know, from my heart to your heart, this only relates, ok? Do you know that I worry about "Danny" on "Bluebloods?" How come I can't worry about "Drews News?" or rather, Mitzy Bella-more, grr that neighborly brotherly love, ok, fine! you look like a canary, singing a funny joke in a funny, or eh, um, not so funny "comedy club," as the case can be, ok? Besides, its Ms or Miss or Mrs Mitzy Bannamore. A real thespian activity, please, no more creepy, I forget, the fake doll talking, with contact lenses? Creepy beyond creepy, and that is not ever Drew Barrymore, down to earth and honestly honest of heart. So, the olive oil and the Arthur show, his friend Francine, do they like Olive Oil from Popeye? I suppose they do. Ok, those jets, and sharks near Alaska can be scary, but they fly at so vast of hundreds of miles per hour, and in defense of Alaska, the refueling needed, - Churchill diplomacy. During the 1920-s, Chamberlain had though peaceful is the way to go, how ever, that type of semantic usage appeasement is enabling, and facilitating, and the gradual over the limit can suddenly hit like a ton of bricks. Those weather balloons, suddenly in the news, over international, then Alaskan, Canadian, and USA airspace is never funny, because? Redacted #######, the news could be poor for defensive posture, especially for children. Think, please, 1800-s, then early 1900s to 1920s to 1930s to 1940s, and beyond, very serious, ok? Thank you for your time, this time has been, el gusto es mio, okay? Gusto is hopeful joy of life, yet sorrows and pain of unearned suffering, is God's to take, ok? How's gumption is chutzpah? God Saves every situation, in God's ref Psalm 139, only God Knowing purpose of sojourn, and during each daily journey intentions of heart between God and, ie, Joseph and only God Knowing purpose of sojourn, and during each daily journey intentions of heart between God and Drew, simplistic truth. So, how do implications every time by use of semantics have results of polemics passive or overt? Because "implications" are conjecture, and down the lane is leaven of conjecture, that webs out often. In the Scriptural texts of The Holy Bible this is of "the fowler's snare," so never to be practiced for purpose, ref Psalm 139 of intentions of heart to use semantics to put someone Under God is sole judge test. How come this is true, Drew? Children even, do not test someone, The Holy Spirit does, to use family or families in group or other venue of society for conjecture trial by institution is not of God Who is ever Victorious. The behind the back persons, each one does have, Psalm 139 purpose and intentions of heart, by redundant results in history, they use now termed, determinate for scientific experiment by their conjecture of repetition of use of semantics result of results, claiming it is good to do, or God told them to do it. Please define legal in place jurisprudence? Please define illegal jurisprudence? Diametrically opposed, and secretive is the illegal one, and this in Under God in plain English require is explicit due process of "And God spoke these things..," ref Exodus 20, the benevolent Law of God, from God's point of impartial from God point of view, "living and effective" to God's Spirit of truth The Holy Spirit Being, The Helper to Joseph, and The Helper to Drew. Helper is Counselor, and each of us relate here, no trial by illegal jurisprudence, and God Gives, so help me God, and during every flowing second, The Helper knowing each and every planned, plans and to be planning of plans, so illegal is illegal, Under God legal is legal. So, yes, Drew, you are an interesting person, and hope you have your refreshments, and in that regard, from Joseph to Drew, so help me God, in the Name of Jesus, not one question of "third degree," nor "20 questions" so you are not being held for 24-72 hours. God Being trustworthy, Eternal and The Creator, lifelong sojourn of rights and dignity impartial from God, just peace from God, like Jesus offered, not like the world gives, Jesus offered. Good today of days.🕊


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