by the Creator Eternal God's help, thank God, personal perspective on, "Gilligan's Island Cast on Tom Snyder 1993"

ref, Creator by, Genesis 1:1, "In the beginning God Created.."

The good interactions of suddenly, the hopeful joyous trip, by thankful participation in relating here under rights to the crew of "Gilligan's Island." "wish you were here," type of sorrow, of course, everyone cannot fit on the "Minnow," or the "Big Whale," no pun intended holistically or otherwise semantically metaphorically, or is it, simile? - speaking. Can I slang the grammar police myself? Oh, thank you, that is relief from a three-hour tour and three-hour tour, eh, um, oh, do you have room on that island? The Professor's Island, of course. Did the so-called, yes, down-to-earth, "movie star" break a hang-nail by using her nail clippers? The dump, or is it not politically only correct stupid debate, not in entirety stupid, Mary-Ann, or Ginger, they had been friends, thereby;- use of semantics could be a blessing, but face it, they each had been in trapped on a deserted, oh, dessert, oh, long story, "Paul Harvey the rest of the story," no syndicated Copyright (c) infringement intended, for educational use only;- the normal since the foundation of the world, how come? I did not Create the world, and neither did the professor, ok? Yet, a discovery has been Inspired by the Creator, like title and deed, "intellectual rights." Oh no! Another proverbial book! Hmm, the Skipper, and Mr Howl the 3rd and Mrs Howl the 3rd, how did they ever sleep? The had some chores to do, oh, elderly chores and quite the fit ones, to do, but the community spirit, of each of human caring thankful spirit, prior to the, shhhh, Resort, the needed devout etiquette helped the audience, ok? CBS canceled on that fateful day in divine Providence, and their loss happens to be VHF and UHF syndicated, not just in the USA, but in the nation, some of the nations, folk loved enjoying Gilligan, the Crew's Island, ok? So, by God Being Eternally from the past being so, up to presently now being so, and forever being Only In Entirety Benevolent, the harm is not from God, so God Shall Save, from then, something transpired, at the Scriptural texts of The Garden of Eden, and Abel did not deserve unearned suffering. The long-expected Messiah had to come sinless and leave, as it happened, sinless;- even though God helped and protected Him, Christ Jesus, he himself did not sin;- He the High Priest, at the high priestly prayer of The Last Discourse, and Hebrews chapter 4, in being sinless, overcame unearned suffering by the help of God, The Father, or Righteous Father, as Heavenly Father Being God The Eternal Creator did having God's Seal thus has God's Seal upon the Faithful and True Jesus in Heaven. Okay, be like a child, ref the song, Psalm 8, and Psalms of 33, 85 and 139, by the Helper be in your hearts, ok, good today of days. Just peace from God. Thank God! 🕊


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