Psalm 139 Reading - "Lord You Have Searched Me..."

"In the beginning God Created.." - ref Genesis 1:1.

Preservation in keeping clean happens to be a good thing, ...["kosher" has contexts of needed cleanliness, of course], Under God clean ups are good. Eternal Creator Being Eternal The Good One Lord of hosts, the Spirit of God, The Eternal "IAM One God, Name thereof, One True God, The God Who Created the Creation in 7 Days, Heaven on the 2nd Day. God Being Only Eternally Benevolent Never harms nor takes delight in pain of sin of harmful unearned suffering, ever! God is Sole Being Eternal Who manifest Glory of God for Heaven and/or Earth under the skies of there are seas & dry land, earth, in the world, called the world. Manifest Glory from God, ref Psalm 33:11 for God's Counsel stands forever, thereby, The Helper Being manifest the Spirit of truth, The Holy Spirit from God, ref Psalm 139, by Palms 8, & 118, for examples, God Loves Joseph @jeffronamosben direct to, myself, and me, being I, Joseph, thus God Giving loves one's self to, myself, Joseph. Ref, The Good News according to John 20:31, so help me God!, for the Love from, by, of God, The Holy Spirit never treats Joseph, party in the first part like a robot, simplistic truth, Under God goals are mine, ever concern and interest are mine, God Leads and I'm named by God in the image & likeness of God, bread of God is my bread of needs, "The Lord is my Shepherd there is nothing I shall want." - ref Psalm 23:1 The Legal Binding Declarative Instrument of the Spring of 2022 is in full effect, indefinitely. Under God, no violations are explicitly nor implicitly ever permitted, and The Holy Spirit Ever Knowing never breeches trust, simplistic Under The Holy God having every facet of truth. IN J E S U S' Name, just peace only God offers.


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