God being Eternal, is the Creator, by God is Creator Granted rights of freedom of speech, thank God that God Sent Jesus who told of God's benevolent Law is unchanging, and Jesus did not say, “I am the law of Moses” (Full scene)

Good evening, this Christmas Season of Holidays, of the Nativity of Jesus in reverence of God, thank God the Creator, is the one Eternal Lord Who Sent Jesus, amen. By the truth impartial rights are from the Creator, in that it is obvious for me to comment, God helps in Inspiration, and ref Psalm 33:11, the counsel of the Lord stands forever from generation to generation. In that impartiality is from God Eternal, the Creator, in thankfulness to God, thank you for your time and consideration, at this public youtube(dot)com venue. In that the Holy Spirit of truth from God, is by God has the benevolent Power & Glory to form or manifest, of God had spoken, in Genesis 1, and told that, in needs be, let there be light, and there had been light, ref John 1. At the time from of 2:50 to 3:11 - Jesus had told the acceptable time of the Lord, in Isaiah had been for salvation, in that God has the recompense and retribution, in truth, Jesus told of the vindication of God, that is the, vengeance of God is in the future, and is parts of Scripture of "In the beginning God Created," ref Genesis 1:1, is that, prophets had declared sayeth the Lord is Scriptural of one Eternal God, the Creator is the ONE Holy Lord God, and there is no other is in other places in The Old Testament, because there is ONE Eternal God, the Creator. The short cut, of obviously, by that I'm informed, the "Chosen" staff, did reply, that in the *portrayal* they had shortened something Jesus said subsequent to the fact, that in the reality of the Scriptural texts, has no phrase, @ 4:48 Jesus had told that no prophet is without honor in his place of countryside. At time frame, 9:43 In the truth of Scriptural texts, Jesus did not say, "I am the Law of Moses." In truth, at some time in the Gospel, God by Sent Jesus, in that God inspired the prophets of the Scriptural texts of The Old Testament, Jesus had told, that He or he, Jesus did not come to destroy the benevolent Law of God and the prophets, however to fulfill the benevolent Law of God and the prophets. The Good News of, Luke 2, the Angels proclaimed, Glory to God in the highest - that is the proclamation of the kingdom of God. In truth, God has the Seals of God, and God Sent the only begotten Son of God the Son of man the sinless High Priest of not only The Last Discourse in the Gospel according to John, however, the Scriptural texts of Hebrew 4 happen to do so, too. This is not identical to Solomon's being declared the son of David;- that is God has had the kingdom of God, since the foundation of the world, God planted, The Garden of Eden. By God, thank God, so help me God, in that Eternal God, the Creator is in entirety impartial, knows everything in regard to the following, thank you for time and consideration, in the Name of Jesus.


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