By "agency" beyond myself, thank God, a perspective of, "THIS WILL MAKE YOU CRY #taylorandsoph #couple #pregnancy #marriage #rela..."

In that voluntary typed natural language text, is by help needed from God,
in that, this is not to establish a religion of every Word from the mouth of God is the bread of life,
by inherent thankfulness, thank you for your consideration.
By, I thank God, this natural language historical perspective has personal life deep to the depths of my heart of desires, my soul of essence of self, my strength of my human spirit breath of life, breathing bodily oxygen - in the joys of life, the sorrows of life, the natural hardships of tiredness, for example, and only God keeping every bit of unearned suffering, each unearned suffering completely in the Hand of God Who is protecting me.
In that holding to, "have no Gods before Me," is referenced in Exodus 20 of the natural language historical perspective.
In that - only by natural language historical perspective, I believe God is Eternal, the Creator,
 and God is Sovereign over the natural language texts of each Testament of The Holy Bible.
In this natural language historical perspective, God beget the only begotten Son of God, the Son of man, Name thereof, Jesus of Nazareth, and He is called, rabbi, that is teacher.
Thereby, this holds to the Establishment Clause of the 1st Amendment of the Constitution of these States of the United States of America.
In that God is continuing in blessing each human being person is one individual,
and like the song, God bless the USA, of one of the nations, Under God.


"THIS WILL MAKE YOU CRY #taylorandsoph #couple #pregnancy #marriage #rela..."

Posted on youtube(dot)com on  Nov 24, 2023.

🕊In the need of help beyond myself, 
 helping me through life,
 by my inherent thankfulness, thank you for your consideration.
Does life transpire in thoughts, sometimes words voluntarily spoken?
The obvious, yes, can be a guess, however this is one of the best videos that I've never seen!
Once, I could not by hospitalized, of the joys of a baby to be born very soon,
 the natural sorrows of tiredness, yet it had been a place of protection,
and I though, oh good, mom and baby are just doing fine.
 They told me in that first case, that it happened too fast, so I waited until it happened!
A baby girl, the bestest baby ever! Yet, another baby girl to be born, the bestest baby ever, happened just over two years later, this time they let me in to the place of her birth.
In prudence, there had been a twilight sleep, unexpected shock,
 I jumped from my chair, the rolling on rollers chair hit the door,
I called her name! Her hand had let go of my hand holding hers!
She had been awake, oh God! Then the anesthesiologist, very calm,
had called her name, and she gradually came to be awake.
Then it happened!
The baby girl had been all cleaned up, so tiny and precious close to my heart,
and I placed her close to her mommy's heart, so tender and heartfelt.
The two bestest girls are long grown up now, and God knowing them,
does take care of the protection in the impartial "correctness" just peacekeeping from the compassion that God has - in the entirety of goodwill influence, thank God!
Good today of days🙏🎼🏕.


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