By inherent freedom of speech, and rights are from God, my brief perspective of, "Death of a Salesman (1966, DVD quality)"

By God needs no help being Eternal God the Lord of hosts, God, one God of each Testament of The Holy Bible, in my personal dignity of belief,
thank God for freedom and freedom of speech, in this only God has omniscience.  God has the benevolent the all-consuming fires of commissioning flowing goodness sake influence helping 24/7.

"Death of a Salesman (1966, DVD quality)"
posted publicly on youtube by, "Eric."

Life happens daily, a journey.  The good things happen, the inconsequential overall happen, and the bad things happen.  
Facing life by a human being person is part of the human condition, under the skies, 24/7.  By my inherent thankfulness, thank you for your consideration.  The need of being loved, liked, inherently beloved and to love happens to be part of being human.  Livelihood is more than income, the joyous spirit of life has the hellos, and the sorrows of so long for now, and the freedom inherent to greet each other glad on each part of the human being person inherent communication during life.
The inherent part has the inner life that relates directly to the outer life during daily life.  The characters each have a personal life experience, the dialogue in the screen play fiction is indicative of the impartiality in dignity of the human being person, yet can be very emotionally charged.  Passivity masks emotionally charged, and in my personal dignity, my belief is that only God is omniscient.
In that life is never a "game," those who live by "tells" are not omniscient, instead of letting go and letting God. God has the equality in the compassion flowing from God in goodness sake influence to each human being person, such as depicted in this tragedy, "The Death of a Salesman."
The 1st Amendment Establishment Clause is a needed part of The original Ten Bill of Rights, and this is natural language freedom of speech, also in the 1st Amendment as an enumerated guaranteed to me, and universally guaranteed to each human being person, in simply, of course, voluntary participation to communicate to someone else.
This brief comment is not a summarized critique of the plot of dialogue so rich in real concepts of human thought, only a personal overview.
In that, by God given dignity, God and me, and those I voluntarily communicate, as in the past, and continue to voluntarily as part of God given freedom to me, I do talk of God of each Testament of The Holy Bible, the God, not just my human concept, however God Who is being God of my life,
<>  but it needs to be voluntary on my part, 
<>  and voluntarily as part of my freedom to enter into a conversation,
<>  and stay in a conversation once I entered into a conversation, 
<>  and that is how I live my life. God is Sovereign over me, 
<> and I'm steward over myself being me, someone of God given freedom.
This voluntarily typed in freedom of use of natural language is not to impose God nor religion on someone reading this.
Good today of days, and the human need of "inner life" relates to "outer life," the correctness just peacefulness in freedom to express by this natural language.


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