In thanksgiving to God, the Creator, my perspective of, "Camp Hideout Official Trailer"

By the needed Creator Granted rights of natural language, God is the Creator.

The video is a promo for "Camp Hideout" at "Called Higher Studios"
public youtube(dot)com online location.
"A hilarious, faith & family movie for the ENTIRE Family! Mischievous foster teen Noah (Ethan Drew) finds himself in trouble again. After one such petty crime and crossing paths with two foes, he chooses summer camp over juvenile hall. " The promo as a cool perspective on natural language freedom of speech in honorability of each of us in humanity is on his or her "honor."

Is there a "Camp Evergreen" for the found young folk who have freedom of speech? In that freedom of human freedoms, the idea of honor, in caring, but not an idiomatic *doormat* rings true in the promos that I've seen of "Camp Hideout." The idea of hey, I'm going to speak anything, even emotionally charged, so "grow up," get a "thick skin" folk just speak out folk speak, - eh, um, UH OH, there is passive and active of pejorative in trying to control the situation that comes up in happenstance. Based on my real life long experience being close to 65 years old, compared to being underaged going to camp, but "I get it," because I loved through it, years gone by. Now is current, yet, how come history repeats? Does a "nice" group of societies of you keep your life to yourself, of that is a good desire, however, communication is voluntary, two friends enter into friendship voluntarily. Each conversation, of not based upon, standard operating procedure, of hey, before we were closer, and "you own me," type of control language, no one needs it. Voluntary is free only by the freedom to the individual has by impartiality to voluntarily enter into a conversation and stay in a conversation. Down to earth versus castles in the air as diametrically opposed, in literal lifelong sojourns of daily journeys. How does society over human history by natural language voluntarily enter into a conversation and voluntarily stay in a conversation by, human prestige, power, and influence using natural language solve the historical need of impartial or "correct" just peacekeeping? How can this happen in need to be impartial toward each other as human being persons, each one individual, yet human "agency" in the perceivable history of humanity cannot solve the need of an impartial or "correct" just peacekeeping group of societies. What other "agency" is there that has the impartiality in offered "correct" just peacekeeping, of needed help for "goodness sake?" Go_d, or Go_d, that is Good God!, for goodness sake, can you help me understand? To uphold the Establishment Clause, in order to *not establish a religious obverence by natural language freedom of speech on my part, is just true, I'm not establishing a religious observance, yet, my freedom of speech is upheld, too. The historical *perspective* in that freedom of speech is not by, for example, the Tinker Rule, that is freedom of speech is not checked at the schoolhouse gate. If you feel pressured to conform, that is be part of the "in crowd" of adults in school, and conform to that, and then it feels like they promote peer pressure to conform, be careful, because prudence, of course, is needed, and the right of freedom of expression is not, hey, I have my rights! In emotionally charged use of natural language freedom of speech. Please understand, in my expression of freedom of speech, I used to be a boy, then a preteen and grew into adulthood, but I remember those underage days in my history of use of natural language freedom of speech. It seems, gradually, the "agency" from God is helping this historical setting from having a "nice" seemingly just peaceful, USSR, of KGB fostered, telling on your neighbor, or using peer pressure for conformity, not good happenstance. As a youth, I used to exclaim, off the cuff, that patience is a virtue. And I do not have life experience answers for someone else, just simply true in literal existing reality, I can only relate that God has impartial "agency" of goodness sake to help each of us of humanity. In that, thanksgiving by my need is inherent to be grateful, and thank you for your consideration. *Natural language human history includes God of the natural language texts of one God has only benevolence, not by human opinion or concur to God, but because God is being the Creator - so that, natural language recorded in human history perspective happens to be, each Testament of The Bible, or called, in natural language historical *perspective, not Establishing a religious observance, of called, in this perspective, The Holy Bible. Voluntary is part of the inherent freedom to converse in a historical perspective in natural language. by, good today of days, and the needed "correct" just 🕊peace for "inner life" from God.


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