by God! God giving ever help, thank God, perspective on, "Chris Pratt Used to Sneak Glances at Katherine Schwarzenegger in Church ..."

Excellent interview in an honest discourse between Chris Pratt and Drew Barrymore. The down to earth heart touching relating to one another. Yes, Christ Pratt brings up how he met his wife, at Church touches me deeply. However, Drew Barrymore a single mom, loving those two children, lambkins, really, okay, growing older, but the true kind need of protecting them from a "hodgepodge" that could come their way. How come I relate to you, Drew, over the years? To tell the truth, down to earth honesty. The human need from God not for a man and woman to be alone, does include true heart of prudence. ~ So, please like lots of folk, in neighborly love, I love you, Drew, not eww gushy, ok? Of course, because God only ever knows my heart, and God ever knows your heart. Yes, God does forgive, as the interview conveyed, just like the Scriptural texts of the Holy Bible tells. This is Passover Season of reverence of Jesus, true, by The Spirit of Truth from God, manifest Glory of God Preserve The Good News of exceedingly great joy, Luke 2:14 Someday the unearned suffering of orchestrated peer pressures of conformities veil will be easier to by God's needed counsel to the heart, be by God's ever help be easier for folk to peer through the veil. Who Knows, the long expected Messiah, Jesus The Beloved Christ could return with God's Angels, to the four winds, the north, south, east, & west, our very generation. God's just peace, dear Drew.🕊
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Joffrontoborne Cimino
Post script, For the love of God, and for goodness sake, used to be common phrases in using semantics, - dear young, over 40 right? Shhhhh. Grown is 18-21, grown up is 40, however, unearned suffering is only God's to be having impartial ever continuing purview;- Thereby, even subsequent to closure or closures by The Holy Spirit, folk sweetly or overtly, "grill" by only God Knowing each someone's heart, ref Psalm 139, there needs to be a purpose and intention(s) to "grill" someone. So, ok, ok, this PS? Once, by the way, no one has to believe God gave me this, so, a tiny graphite #2 pencil dot on a piece of paper. Someone decides to own someone by deciding the past and/or up to presently, to carry out decision(s) on Under God, someone else's life's sojourn. Ref Psalm 139, only God ever knowing the purpose of someone from far off. The Spirit of Truth from God has communion directly with each human being living life on sojourn regardless of location. The Last Discourse is needed to be receiving from The Spirit of Truth never to be having in the heart designing someone's journey's decisions of goals, nor someone else's journey in entirety, because that is putting someone on one's own trial in the person doing so, that is their human spirit & body of heart deciding superiority over The Spirit of Truth's stewardship in relationship communion to the person oppressed eventually, high degree of so called 'zeal' from the person literally putting Under God someone else on trial. No one is ever supposed to do that. Of course, The Spirit of Truth, Jesus called God, Father, Righteous Father, or my Father, because the Seal of God is upon Jesus The long expected Messiah in Heaven, ref Hebrews 4, Jesus The only begotten Son of God, High Priest, Prophet, Faithful and True Lion of the tribe of Judah. So, the Seal of God is extremely needed for, Father God is Eternal God, The Creator, then Son is of God for the Seal of God unique in history on God's only begotten Son of God, and The Holy Spirit from God Being The Spirit of Truth from God Being The Promised Helper from God, one ref The Last Discourse, One God, The Good Eternal Lord of hosts of The Old Testament, The New Testament and every part of human history, is the Sole One God and Omniscience is ONLY God's. The graphite #2 pencil dot or tiny square, that is, is one use of semantic, of hmmm? This or that of someone judging someone else. Then light lines of graphite go out like tendrils, of course, The Holy Spirit Keeping the Preserved Scriptural texts of The Holy Bible is ever victorious Telling hearts to cease and desist targeting an individual or otherwise a living entity. In not ended like a pebble shattering the reflection of sky and surroundings, ripples to not too harmful, each folk targeting in that particular use of #2 graphite pencil original target, the geometric proportions go out in intersecting peer pressures of conformity, of use of The Priesthood of the *Order of Melchizedek, reverent hospitality of need of honorable waters for seeds of God's living and effective word, ref Psalm 85, of God's righteousness kisses peace of God's faithfulness footsteps of God and by Isaiah 55, only God is superior and God's Word only bears fruit in someone's own heart, never to banter thier opinion of someone else's lifelong sojourn. Nor claim some type of compelling someone to thier trials of heart judging someone else. Some invite at least partially, for that very purpose of intention(s). Very sad, and the man born blind and the woman hunched over for 17 years had been used, because folk hone in on even God's Miracles by God's Seal upon Jesus, through Jesus High Priest in Heaven, Created on the second Day or 7 Day-epochs God's Creation. "In the beginning God Created..." - Genesis 1:1. God knows if someone is a tare that looks like wheat or wheat, that parable is never to be used to circumvent Exodus 20, the legal in place court system, otherwise it is "he said, she said," gossip, regardless of who does it. Locusts each green leaves, if the wood dries, then the wormwood of gossip of religiosity and civics, has an ill effect on God's true House. "[Only the Lord Can Bless a Home] " Without the help of the Lord it is useless to build a home or to guard a city. 2 It is useless to get up early and stay up late in order to earn a living. God takes care of his own, even while they sleep." - Psalm 127:1-2 at <--- at this current time in history only just that link, is Daily Verse from there. The Psalm quoted is from Contemporary English Version, online link, . Thank your for your time, and you do know, its far from public figures needing only God's Security of blessing heart and home, of course. Joseph to Drew, kind of, lol, good today of days, of lifelong Creator Granted rights & privileges. "Be careful out there," - Hill Street Blues.


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