In that God is Creator Eternal, thankful from God's Help, "Gregory Peck: His Own Man"

Good afternoon, oh! evening here. Thank you for your time and consideration of need of thankful communication regarding my comment. In my youth, "To Kill A Mockingbird" had been one of those, simply excellent films and glad to view it on occasion. The following quote is from a web page, "Grade A Saver, Getting You the Grade" ( );- the quote is as follows, "To Kill a Mockingbird What does Atticus mean when he say "In the name of God, do your duty."? To which part of his final argument is Atticus referring when he says to the jurors, "In the name of God, do your duty"?" Yes, not just an actor, the honorable gentleman Gregory Peck, God's rest and blessings in the hereafter, rest in peace, of hopes of his family at peace of him, and his legacy. In that film, the lawyer Atticus uses the blessings of being a trial lawyer, yet at one point, an angry group ganging up on Mr. Robinson, just spoke innocently, and the gang left. This reminds of Psalm 8, regarding sometimes God ordains praise from children to foil the, enemy, that is to say the opposition of God and the truth mixed with lies like of darkness of this causes unearned suffering. Oh, for goodness sake!;- - How come this *harmful* unearned suffering in occasions of ebbs & flows of history of the historical settings of nations of every kindred and ethnicity of languages? This is humanity upon humanity, sometimes heeds Eternal, The One God Creator, and sometimes does not, ok, what gives? That is blatantly obvious, so? Three concurrent reasons, true in fact, only Eternal God called Creator is The Good Lord of in Scriptural texts of The Holy Bible, thereby, for example, each adult, one man or one woman is higher reasoning sentient, that is in the image and likeness of God. By the truth, only God Is Ever Omniscient, not one oracle like coincidence used for superstition is omniscient, for example. God Being Eternal Creator, remembers the life of those who have died, for example. In Ecclesiastes 12, and other places, the human spirit returns to God, and God Eternal Impartial Lord receives the person, named human being of heart, soul, and strength;- including spiritual mind had been intimately needing the earthly body. The problems result of how "image and likeness of God," is used by someone on lifelong sojourn, in true fact of Genesis, God Created Heaven on the 2nd Day of the 7 Day or 7 epochs Creation by God;- thereby;- This place is under the skies of there are seas and dryland, earth called the world in the history of humanity. Thereby, "image and likeness of God," of someone inherently knows, concurrently, 1) God remembers during lifelong sojourn into the hereafter, 2) only God gives true insight of the "eye," 3) and only God gives impartial knowledge of good v. evil intentions. Thereby, ref Psalm 139, God ever impartial knows each someone human on life long sojourn, having, in God's Ever Continuing Purview, each named individual human being's purpose far off. It is true that, *unearned suffering* in being *like* a child in adulthood, for example, in that someone by God's Impartial Just Compassion, Loved by God, that under God, someone *else* or *others* uses/use of influence in 1) that God remembers, 2) only God gives true insight of the "eye", and 3) only God gives impartial knowledge of good v. evil intentions, for various happenstances of the influences using semantics, thereby of quite intelligent & Psalm 139, of only God ever impartial knows the person or persons influential having purpose from far off, of that particular human being or human beings named on lifelong sojourn intentions of heart;- thus by intelligence of playing at heartstrings, such is precise like abusing a child or someone of Downs, who only trust God, the Eternal One True Creator, The Lord of hosts, because, The Spirit of God is God's Own Spirit Eternal, God ever had been, is, and forever Eternal One God, in the Scriptural texts of The Holy Bible, like Genesis 2, Psalm 85, and other places, God manifests, under the skies of seas and dryland, earth, God's Voice and footsteps of God, God's cloud of God, and God's Spirit of truth, from God, - ( for God Gives Ever Help of thankful practicing Godliness known by Christ-like practices and God ever impartial benevolent practices), needed to be received gladly by each individual human being named on sojourn of life. In light of Scriptural texts lamps, Messiah long expected, Jesus The Christ told, only God is good, to be *like* a child to inherit the kingdom of God, and do not be called, rabbi that is teacher, thereby, thankful Helper Who Is manifest, the Spirit of truth from God, The Holy Spirit from Jesus called God, Heavenly Father, ref Psalm 139 in one's heart, only God is the true teacher. "LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory in the heavens." - Psalm 8:1 "You set your glory above the heavens! 2 Out of the mouths of infants and nursing babies you have established strength on account of your adversaries, in order to silence the enemy and vengeful foe. 3 When I look at the heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars that you established— 4 what is man that you take notice of him, or the son of man [*note, refers to humanity of co-stewardship, husband and wife, for example.] that you pay attention to him[or them]? 5 You made him[or each of them, each him or her] a little less than divine, but you crowned him[or each of them, him or her] with glory and honor. 6 You gave him[and her, each of those of humanity] dominion over the work of your hands, you put all things under his feet: 7 Sheep and cattle—all of them, wild creatures of the field, 8 birds in the sky, fish in the sea— whatever moves through the currents of the oceans. 9 Lord, our Lord, how excellent is your name in all the earth!"- ref Psalm 8:1-9 [Footnotes] "My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth."- Psalm 121:2 In that youthful journey, the house of prayer, like Gregory Peck had thought to be a literal priest by vocation, our family did have God and the reception by thankful that God is Eternal Creator, the God of The Holy Bible as the center of each of our lives, from legacy of generations. Each God Granted part of my journey of life, by God! each day 24/7 the sun rises some place of God's impartial hope in that God has The Door of Hope, the impartial peace from God, like Jesus told, peace He, Jesus leaves, not like the world, He Jesus gives, then as in the Scriptural texts of The Good News of exceedingly great joy, ref Luke 2:10-14, for example. In Hebrews chapter 4, long expected Messiah is High Priest of God's Scriptural texts, Jesus Christ, Faithful and True, ref Isaiah 9, and The Gospels, for example, "for unto us a Son is given," and "the government of the world is on His shoulders." This is by God's Seal upon Christ the Jesus of the first century in the Scriptural texts of The Holy Bible, for at The Last Discourse, Jesus told, The Father is greater than I, to rejoice that He Jesus, note please, God Created Heaven on the 2nd Day of Creation, and Jesus by God's Power of Seal on Jesus Ascended into Heaven in front of honorable testimonial witnesses, in Acts of the Apostles of each believer of believers of each family individual of soon called, "The Way." Peace from God, and good journey of sojourn of daily life.


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