By God! so help me, God, thanks be to God, one perspective on, (“Why haven’t you healed me?” (The Chosen scene))

"In the beginning God Created.." ref Genesis 1:1

"In the beginning God Created.."- ref Genesis 1:1 God Is God Being Eternal God then, Being Eternal God up to now presently, forever Being Eternal God;- God Being The Spirit of God Being The Lord of hosts Being The Creator Being "IAM" Name thereof, is Being One Lord of Israel and of every nation in every historical setting forever, such as the texts of Isaiah regarding the land of the Gentiles, Galilee of nations, thereby;- God Being Eternal Knowing Everything had no help Being God, God Knowing Everything Eternally, Lord, Spirit of God, manifest Glory voice coincides by the footsteps of God, manifest Glory cloud of God, and manifest Glory the Spirit of truth from God in the Scriptural texts of The Holy Bible. It could be, that you'd enjoy the follow on reference, "[Sermons] A Door of Hope Charles Haddon Spurgeon September 8, 1859 Scripture: Hosea 2:15 From: Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit Volume 47," link, ( ). By the help of God and God's ever loving kindness, this is only offered as one comment in thankful participation in God's Granted human need of communication. God Is the Sole Eternal Giver of Inspiration from God, by the Spirit of truth from God Being The Holy Spirit from God Being The Helper manifest in the Scriptural texts of The Holy Bible, ref Psalm 118, by God! Gives every need, ref Psalm 23 for one, God Is God, ref Psalm 33 and God's Counsel stands forever, ref Psalm 85 God having every righteousness from God in the Scriptural texts of The Holy Bible kisses peace from God in that God's faithfulness by God's Own footsteps, like on The Ark of the Covenant and on The Mount of Transfiguration. God's Word stands forever, has the Scriptural references to trees, the fig tree, the olive tree, the palm tree, and other trees, are God's trees. God's, Holy Is The Eternal One Lord glasses of water of living waters are honorable in the Scriptural texts referenced, and so are seeds of grains of wheat and fruit of the vine, and God Is the Eternal Lord of reverent hospitality ever in God's Eternal Impartial Purview, thereby;- by God's Word of only God Being Lord having The Sight of The Eternal Lord, ref Deut 32, in that God Created each man or woman, who comes into the world the same way, ref Psalm 139, for one. This has been true, up to presently being true, forever being true in God's Ever Impartial Purview. Psalm 139 is Eternal God's Word contains God's Point of View Impartial of the Scriptural texts ever in the Sight of The Lord, in the from, by, and for the Love of God, ref Psalm 118:1 give thanks to The Lord, and by Psalm 8, God Is the Eternal Lord of Heaven in that God Created the Creation in 7 Days, thereby, Heaven on the 2nd Day, and God Being God of Heaven and under the skies there are seas and dry land earth, the world, ref Genesis. The Scriptural texts from Genesis to Matthew to John, Hebrews, from Acts, 1 & 2nd Peter, 1st, 2nd & 3rd John, Jude of had been called Thaddeus Letters are examples of God Having the Ever Impartial Continuing Purview, and John 20 ends, by the hope of through The Door of Hope, ref Hosea, in God's Own Ever Impartiality, that life in the name of God's Seal upon Messiah Christ the Jesus of the first century in the Scriptural texts of The Holy Bible. Isn't Revelation 1-7, 8-22, by references to The Scriptures of The Holy Bible in reverence of unveiling, important by The Helper manifest Glory from God to each of humanity on God's Granted sojourn, ref Psalm 139, for example, an inspirational encouragement? This directly corresponds by God's Sent, the Spirit of truth from God manifests the promised of The Father, the Helper of the Scriptural texts of The Holy Bible, ie as each knows who knows, The Last Discourse, for example;- Jesus called, the Heavenly Father, each of us of humanity, for example, our Father Who Being in Heaven, and God Is Directly Sovereign To each in God's Own Impartial Purview Sight of The Lord, God's living kindness is forever, ref Psalm 118:1, thank God!;- Thereby, judge not lest ye be judged, ref Luke and Matthew are examples, is universal to each someone is somebody living and breathing in God's Ever Impartial Purview, ref Psalm 139 in The Sight of The Lord, by God Given name. Like is, ref used by reference Psalm 19, God's sun, "rises" someplace 24/7 thus ref Psalm 139, in God's Eternal Ever Purview, ref John 20:31, in the Name of Messiah is Christ Jesus, the good sojourn of lifelong daily journeys by and from Creator Granted rights and dignity.📜🏕🕊🚪
*note, thanksgiving be to God, link to flip book, ref . "[Sermons]
A Door of Hope Charles Haddon Spurgeon September 8, 1859 Scripture: Hosea 2:15 From: Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit Volume 47," ( ).


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