by God! so help me God, thankful perspective on "Peace Through Music: A Global Event for the Environment | 200+ Artists U..."

The good regarding the sojourn of Peace, Love and Harmony, of course each someone knows needs gratitude, this needs somehow goodness of heart, that's part of the human need to care to honestly share, right? The transcending, hmm, sounds like a fancy type of thing to me, "beyond" is how I comprehend "transcends", so, since each person under the skies, has help beyond the human condition, - how come the self-evident goodness happens and harmfulness happens in the influences of fallible humanity? Because it does is one answer. This had to have some type of history, so, higher reasoning sentience, in the belief system beyond myself, Joseph, is each someone is in the image and likeness of God, is that enough for pure goodness in resolute loving kindness of prudence of doing the right influence and saying & doing only goodness impartial common good, thereby, faithful friendship is a good thing to live. Has someone been completely true in heart? For that declaration, the person needs to never have harmfulness in one's own heart. This seems impossible, and the history of purely humanity on humanity has not shown this, sounds like the true light of peaceful history expressed, that history shows humanity on humanity can never be the result in and of itself as history has shown. The veneer of covering like smooth concrete rises to the top of sand & gravel and stones, sound real smooth, like the so termed ideology of the "betters" just naturally "rise" to the top, in the each equality of image and likeness of God, each someone man or woman adult, for example, is "better" that someone because of "natural" equal opportunity for common good needs of societies in justly peace-keeping needs of pure goodness resolute loving kindness prudent right thing at the right time faithfulness of humanity on humanity? Never happened before of fallible humanity, hmm, so curious claims, that a natural legality is going to form because each higher reasoning sentient image & likeness of God, adult man and each higher reasoning sentient image and likeness of God, adult woman, can be humanity is in the image & likeness of God, yet somehow shows fallibility in history, thereby;- How can that paradox answered by humanity? So, the term "beyond" or "transcends" the human condition, is not only humanity. So? How is the true "Creator" impartial point of view as opposed to the Creator by fallible humanity's point of view? Diametrically different. Eternal God Being, The Creator has in Heaven beyond the skies, God's Sovereignty of formed by God, the Spirit of truth from God's Power & Might Benevolent Eternal Immortal Living Divine Perfection, and by the needed, formed, "God's Voice" and in history under the skies, of there are seas and dryland earth, God's cloud of God, thereby;- God's Voice manifest Glory of God has joined the footsteps of God, in both Psalm 85 and the Scriptural texts of The Garden of Eden. Some long history ago, even the truth of the purpose of intention Inspired name Adam is man, and the truth of the purpose of intention Inspired name Eve is woman, thus Inspired is help-meet;- yet, God breathed life into Adam, thereby, later in Inspired Scriptural text history, Moses married to Zipporah, the Inspired for human identity, yet man married to woman eventually, the "rib" is close to the heart, in that Jesus told, only God is good, and be child-like in simplicity being an adult, and to not, ref Psalm 139, in one's own purpose and intentions of heart, - the long expected sinless and stayed sinless Messiah to northern Israel, the land of the gentiles of representative nations, Galilee of nations has seen a great light;- God's Seal of not fortune told, however signs of the times, foretold of someone *like* Moses, the Messiah is the Prophet, needing to be sinless and say sinless, and called, Christ Jesus, of Judah in history of Israel, and light to the gentiles, he is different than anyone man, this, the only begotten Son of God, called Son of man. Jesus told, do not be called rabbi, that is teacher, and that is from God's Ever Impartial Purview coincides living and effective to, be like a child, is adult simplicity to inherit the kingdom of God, however, that does include going to Heaven, - God never elicits by God's Influence being afraid, thereby - each has the image and likeness of God interiorly, however, unearned suffering is from outside someone's internal locus of control, thereby, image and likeness of God does give inherently the kingdom of God interiorly, but obviously, that God Granted natural state of someone person individual human being higher reasoning is not enough since the Scriptural texts of The Garden of Eden. Under God, so help me God, by God's granted impartial goodness sake, for the, from God, for the love of God, in the living truth, God Is Eternal, the One Creator is The One Good Lord God, that is from God having ever impartial point of view, it is *never* light and transient, that Jesus told, each and everyone is taught by God. In this regard, someone called Jesus, good teacher, and Jesus replied, why do you call me, good, only God is good, yet, Under God, that man only asked, how to I inherit eternal life. Jesus, looked at the man with love, and replied that the man knew the Commandments to gladly keep, in truth of ever present from God light, thereby, this is living and effective that this lamps God Is Eternal Being One Good God LORD of hosts. Thereby, The needs only from God, the man is on that particular journey at that particular interaction in his history, so had good on a cart, so, he knew it had not been light and transient to then follow the Messiah Suffering Servant Jesus, so in joys of life there had been Godly sorrow. In that *climate* of human interaction happenstances of occurrences, there is unearned suffering, not from God, and Jesus did not judge nor condemn that man with the cart. So help him God, God's Seal upon him, sinless Jesus the Christ, had a Son of God, Son of man, teaching opportunity, and referred to how difficult it is to take a loaded camel through an archway, a needle. So, prestige, power and influence by fallible being of humanity one man or one woman, is never for using "riches", for "The Lord is my shepherd there is nothing I shall want." ref Psalm 23:1, thereby;- in the true to life, happenstance of a loaded down camel with "baggage", the baggage needed to be unloaded to go through the "eye" of a needle, archway in other real historical words. In Scriptural text history, not good that Jacob, by Laban and Leah using a veil, fooled Jacob, later married to Rachel. Jacob in unearned suffering, *climate labored seven years labor in that context of fallible human "natural" law, of image and likeness of God, then married Rachel. God continued to call Jacob, Jacob, so the name Israel is really a title. Esau sold his birthrite, not depending on God, for a bowl of lentils. Even though, God Promised, and the promises of God are solid, more resilient that anything under the skies of the Creation, of God Created in 7 Days, (or epochs), on the 2nd Day, God Created Heaven, thereby;- Isaac had been under God's Promised Covenant to Abraham thereby, Sarah. Ishmael, not the natural born son, had been given a different promise, not taking the Promise from God, to Abaham, Isaac, and Jacob. Esau had not been given that Promise because Esau sold his birthrite in The Ever Impartial Eternal Sight of The Lord, ref Psalm 139.


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