God only is Eternal Creator, in thanks to God, personal perspective of, "LEFT BEHIND FULL LENGTH MOVIE NICHOLAS CAGE 2014"

"Extremely inspiring, the conversation regarding, "The First 30 Days - Feature Film," by common human need in gratitude to have opportunities under Creator Granted rights, in current historical *climate* of societal trends.
How did this climate historically transpire so fast? Besides current history of 1800s, belief in God of the Scriptural texts of The Holy Bible v. societal trends populist forming trends to use human spirituality & earthly needs to conform to intersecting peer pressures of conformity? A veil over societies of nations, an unearned suffering so "foggy" it sounds like "the sky is falling," or "the monsters are due on Maple street," and alarmist to even inform of these real societal trends populist trends, forming an *understood* - be whatever you desire, the unearned suffering - just do not make waves. Conform to the sameness of keep calm.
So numerous just by help of God of having Created Heaven on the second Day (Epoch) of this under the skies of there are seas & dry lands, earth called the world of day or night skies, sunset to dusk to evening to night to dawn to sunrise, some place the sun rises 24/7;-
are, regardless of socio-economic echelon of needing to be down to earth;-
are just telling, let me be prudent, God is sole provider of spiritual and earthly needs. Thus the prudent time to discuss impartially the *climate of now orchestrated in every venue of halls of facets of societies;- thereby,
it is easy for the *climate of shhh sameness, to form a perception of those folk do not know how to be calm and compliant. They need to get with the program. So, God granted impartiality of freedom of speech and expression in God's Ever Impartial Purview of human need of confidence by God never cajoles, however;-
God never elicits being afraid of God or others, confidence before the footsteps, ref Psalm 85 of God's formed by God's Impartial righteousness kisses peace from God the faithfulness of God footsteps;-
thus the "he said, she said" societal trends powerless to God, the unearned suffering of words being "spun" to keep the unearned suffering status quo of *climate of societal trends over decades.
Only The Spirit or Truth from God,
ref The Last Discourse, The Promised Helper Being The Holy Spirit from God,
and Jesus called God, Father or Righteous Father,
and told, The Father is greater than I.
No one knows the long expected Messiah day or hour of Jesus Christ High Priest, ref Hebrews 4, and God's Angels going to the four winds, the north, south, east and west, ref Revelation 7,
and Deut 32, revisit of a time of distress that has never been seen up until that time since the foundation of the world, that is the Scriptural texts of The Garden of Eden, if God did not intervene, the societal trends unearned suffering *climate of populist compliance has no remedy, even sincere, ref Daniel followers of God, Galilean Judaeo Christianity and those of God's Impartial Continuing Purview in God's Sight of good will from God - are powerless;-
yet, The Spirit of Truth from God,
of The Last Discourse according to Gospel of John, Keeps the Preservation of The Good News of Jesus Christ in the Scriptural texts for each individual human being living and breathing, today, for example.
God Ever Knowing like Jesus tells, some are tares that look like wheat, they build a Pit and its appointed for someone to live once and face judgment of God, ref Hebrews, so they each fall into, being remembered in some fashion, image & likeness of God, God Remembers, so they heed, "surely you will not die," in the mirror of ref Psalm 139, each of their own heart, and insightful "eyes opened," and knowing by image and likeness of God, good v. evil intentions;- thus they gave into each of their own imaginations.
Jesus told, if the lamp of the eye grows dark, just how deep is that darkness.
But Jesus tells, keep the lambs burning, and only God helps, seek ye the kingdom of God and His or God's righteousness can be spoken, and all these things will be added unto you as well, and Jesus is Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Suffering Servant Messiah who *was slain, called the Lamb of God,
thus, only called, the Good Shepherd,
only God Is Leader Guardian,
thereby, the Lord is my shepherd there is nothing I shall want. ref Psalm 23:1
In John 14, regarding The New Jerusalem on earth, from God's Throne of God Having Sovereignty and the Lamp, it is God's Merits of God's Goodwill of favored blessings gratitude of oils of gladness thankfulness gift of God's grace, ref Luke 2:14, peace on earth on whom God's favor rests;-
only God is Sovereign in Revelation 7,
by The Power Companionship Impartial Inspiration of The Spirit of Truth from God, The Promised Helper from God Being The Holy Spirit from God, God is One Lord Eternal Creator.
Good today of days of lifelong sojourn by Creator Granted rights and dignity impartial from only God. 🕊


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